What accuracy do you need for s in OSU?

What accuracy do you need for s in OSU?

Osu! rates players with grades; SS for 100 percent accuracy, down to D for less than 75 percent accuracy. You tally up more points based on how precisely you hit each beat, and the performance is calculated after the game based on map difficulty, mods used, combos made, and, of course, accuracy.

What is S in OSU?

Satisfactory (S)/Unsatisfactory (U) This is a grading basis chosen by the department teaching the course, not a grading option.

How much accuracy is S rank OSU?

S = Over 95% accuracy (You can have ‘S’ rank even if you make several misses, like in Catch the Beat).

Who is #1 Rank OSU?

You can click on the number of 1,000,000 to see the detail of the scores !

Rank Player 1,000,000 Count
1 GrilledCheeese 10,537
2 GH_CHAIKA 6,783
3 MajorNikolai54 3,977
4 [ Elrizera ] 2,687

Can you get SS in OSU?

If you’re dedicated enough you could get an SS on Insane maps (Which you can comfortably complete) with a large amount of retries, but it isn’t exactly easy. You don’t stay focused all the map (I mean all the map, every single circle) and you should do it.

Is OSU good for AIM?

Osu! Is a fantastic introduction to aim trainers even if it isn’t officially one itself. While it doesn’t offer advanced analytics like dedicated trainers, it can still serve your purpose as a fun warm-up tool.

How do you get an S rank in osu?


  1. Don’t let the bunny distract you!: Get a 371 out of 371 combo in the normal or a 447 out of 447 combo in the hard of the beatmap “Chatmonchy – Make Up!
  2. S-Ranker: Get an S rank on 3 different beatmaps in a row.

Can you get SS in osu?

Who has the highest pp in OSU?

# PP Beatmap
1 1240.61 Sunglow [Harmony]
2 1201.82 Euphorium [The Dream Of White Star.]
3 1198.24 Stella-rium (Asterisk MAKINA Remix) [Starlight]
4 1174.53 UNION!! [We are all MILLION!!]

Is osu an aim trainer?

Osu! Is a fantastic introduction to aim trainers even if it isn’t officially one itself. While it doesn’t offer advanced analytics like dedicated trainers, it can still serve your purpose as a fun warm-up tool. Fun is a key aspect of getting better at any game, and Osu!

Is osu virus free?

Rest assured, osu! isn’t bundled with any malware. It’s just a false positive.

What does a silver S mean in OSU?

You get silver ranks only for hidden and flashlight.

What are the admission requirements for Ohio State University?

You will need exceptionally good grades to get into Ohio State University. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at Ohio State University was 3.76 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily A- students are accepted and ultimately attend. The school ranks #3 in Ohio for highest average GPA.

What’s the chances of getting into Ohio State?

The school ranks #3 in Ohio for highest average GPA. If your high school GPA meets these requirements, there is a good chance you will be accepted as Ohio State accepts 54% of students who apply.

How much RAM do I need for OSU?

Recommended Requirements 1 Processor: Intel Pentium III / AMD Duron 2.0GHz 2 Graphics: AMD Radeon 7000 64mb or NVIDIA GeForce 6500 3 System Memory: 512 MB RAM More

What’s the average SAT score to get into Ohio State?

The school consistently takes SAT composite scores down to 1250 on a 1600 scale, below which admission should be considered a reach. We estimate some students could be accepted with SAT’s as low as 1140. The estimated average SAT composite for admitted freshman is 1360 out of 1600.

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