What is valgus alignment?

What is valgus alignment?

A valgus deformity is a condition in which the bone segment distal to a joint is angled outward, that is, angled laterally, away from the body’s midline. The opposite deformation, where the twist or angulation is directed medially, toward the center of the body, is called varus.

What is valgus alignment knee?

The opposite of varus knee is valgus knee, which makes some people knock-kneed. It happens when your tibia turns outward in relation to your femur. The relationship between the positions of your femur and tibia is called tibiofemoral alignment. Ideally, the two bones should form a 180-degree alignment.

What is genu valgus?

A person with knock knees (genu valgum) has a large gap between their feet when they’re standing with their knees together. Many young children have knock knees, which tend to be most obvious at around the age of 4.

Does bracing Help knee valgus?

These knee braces are a common nonsurgical strategy for treating people with medial knee OA. Knee braces have also been shown to decrease the net adduction moment applied by the ground reaction force by applying a constant abduction (valgus) moment closer to the knee joint center.

What is a home remedy for knock knees?

Exercise. For most people with genu valgum, exercise can help realign and stabilize their knees. Your doctor or physical therapist can evaluate your gait and suggest exercises designed to strengthen your leg, hip, and thigh muscles. Specific stretches may also be useful in relieving symptoms.

Can you correct knock knees?

Knock knees can be surgically corrected. The surgical technique used may vary depending on age. Knock knees can affect the ankles and knees as well as the hips.

How do I stop my knee from going inward?

When does the genu valgum begin to increase?

Genu valgum should not increase after 7 years of age. After age 7 years, valgus should not exceed 12°, and the intermalleolar distance should be less than 8 cm. Neutral femoral-tibial alignment occurs at 12-14 months old.

Is there a difference between Varus and valgus knee alignments?

All in all, valgus alignment (knock-kneed) is not considered quite as destructive as varus alignment. Still, both conditions stress the knee, especially the articular cartilage.

Where does the Axis pass in a valgus knee?

In a varus (bow-leg) knee, this line passes medial to the center of the knee, increasing force across the medial tibiofemoral compartment. In a valgus (knock-knee) knee, the axis passes lateral to knee center, increasing force across the lateral compartment.

Do you need orthotics for genu valgum?

Patients within this physiologic range do not require treatment. Orthotics/bracing is not effective in genu valgum. If genu valgum occurs after proximal tibial metaphyseal fracture (Cozen phenomenon) it will typically remodel spontaneously and should be observed.

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