What is written on the Klaf?

What is written on the Klaf?

Description. Klaf is a specially prepared, tanned, split skin of a kosher animal – goat, cattle, or deer. A baraita states: It is a Law given to Moses at Sinai that tefillin are written on klaf and mezuzah on duchsustus. Klaf [is written] where it [faced] flesh; duchsustus, facing hair.

Why is the Hebrew letter shin on a mezuzah?

The letter shin on the mezuzah stands for Shaddai, which is one of the names of God. The Mitzvah or blessing of the Mezuzah protects our home. We make our home part of the Mitzvah by putting the Mezuzah on the door.

Does a mezuzah scroll need to be kosher?

Although a “non-kosher” case does not usually invalidate the affixing of the mezuzah, sometimes it can. Even if an improper mezuzah case is still halachically permissible, one should not suffice with the bare minimum; rather, one should be scrupulous in this mitzvah and merit to lengthen the days of one’s life.

What is inscribed on the mezuzah?

Contained in the mezuzah is a tightly rolled piece of parchment made from the skin of a ritually clean animal on which are handwritten, traditionally in twenty-two lines, words from Deuteronomy, the fifth of the Five Books of Moses.

What prayer is inside a mezuzah?

the Shema prayer
The mezuzah opens up and inside is the Shema prayer, written on a small piece of parchment. The Shema is the most important prayer in Judaism because it reminds Jewish people that there is only one God.

What does it say on the outside of a mezuzah?

The blessing said while hanging a mezuzah: Transliteration: Barukh atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melekh ha-olam, asher keedishanu b’meetzvotav v’tzeevanu leek’boa mezuzah. Translation: Blessed are you, Lord, our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with God’s commandments and commanded us to affix a mezuzah.

Why do people kiss the mezuzah?

Touching the mezuzah Whenever passing through the doorway, many people touch a finger to the mezuzah as a way of showing respect to God. Many people also kiss their finger after touching it to the mezuzah.

Why is the mezuzah placed at an angle?

This is done to accommodate the variant opinions of Rashi (1040–1105) and of his grandson, Rabbeinu Tam, as to whether it should be placed vertically (Rashi) or horizontally (Rabbeinu Tam), and also to imply that God and the Torah (which the mezuzah symbolizes) are entering the room.

What is written on a mezuzah scroll?

Mezuzah: (Lit. “doorpost”): A small parchment scroll upon which the Hebrew words of the Shema are handwritten by a scribe. Mezuzah scrolls are rolled up and affixed to the doorposts of Jewish homes, designating the home as Jewish and reminding those who live there of their connection to G‑d and their heritage.

Are the Torah scrolls kept in the mezuzah?

The mezuzah is the container in which the scroll is kept. The scroll, often referred to as the parchment, is the verses of the Torah, and they must be kept close to every Jewish home. If your home is missing a mezuzah scroll, or you simply want to buy a new one as a gift, be sure to check this site.

What is a mezuzah case?

The mezuzah case or mezuzah holder, also known as a mezuzah or mezuzahs , is the often decorative case that houses the handwritten mezuzah scroll on klaf, parchment.

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