Where is the pubic bone?

Where is the pubic bone?

pelvic girdle
The pubis, also known as the pubic bone, is located in front of the pelvic girdle. In the rear, the ilium and ischium form the bowl shape of the pelvic girdle. The two halves of the pubic bone are joined in the middle by an area of cartilage called the pubic symphysis.

Can you feel your pubic bone?

You can feel the pubic symphysis by pressing on your lower front pelvic bone, just above your genital area. Your health professional can tell when it is separated or misaligned simply by pressing on it.

What does pubic bone pain feel like?

What does pubic symphysis pain feel like? Sometimes pubic symphysis pain can feel like a slight pinch or ache. Other times it hurts so much someone will not want to walk. In certain cases, the pain will not be over the pubic symphysis, but in the creases of the groins or along the inner thighs.

Where do you feel pubic bone pain?

You may feel the pain in the front middle of your pubic bone, in your lower back on one or both sides, and/or in your perineum (the area between your vagina and anus). The pain may radiate to your upper thighs. The pain may worsen when you widen your legs or when you put weight on one leg.

What’s the purpose of the pubic bone?

pelvis, also called bony pelvis or pelvic girdle, in human anatomy, basin-shaped complex of bones that connects the trunk and the legs, supports and balances the trunk, and contains and supports the intestines, the urinary bladder, and the internal sex organs.

What does it mean when your pubic bone hurts?

Osteitis pubis is a condition in which the pubic bone or the surrounding tissues are inflamed and sore. This pain is most often related to complications from surgery but has also been found to occur in athletes. Early diagnosis of osteitis pubis is important to avoid further pubic bone stress.

How do you relieve pubic bone pain?


  1. placing a pillow between the legs when sleeping.
  2. avoiding sitting for too long.
  3. applying an ice pack to the pelvic area.
  4. staying active but avoiding any activities that cause pain.
  5. incorporating rest breaks every day.
  6. wearing supportive shoes.
  7. keeping the knees together when getting in and out of the car.

What does it mean when your pubic area hurts?

In women, pelvic pain may be a sign of menstrual cramps, ovulation, or a gastrointestinal issue such as a food intolerance. It can also develop due to a more serious problem. Sometimes, pelvic pain is an indicator of an infection or issue with the reproductive system or other organs in the area.

What is the function of the pubic bone in females?

The pelvis provides attachment for muscles that balance and support the trunk and move the legs, the hips, and the trunk.

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