How do you use whims and fancies in a sentence?

How do you use whims and fancies in a sentence?

After years of catering exclusively to the whims and fancies of women, companies have done a turnabout. When wages barely cover living costs, the working classes cannot fund the whims and fancies of politicians forever.

How do you use whims in a sentence?

Whim in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The police officer acted on a whim, not thinking before he violently slammed the suspect to the ground.
  2. When asked why he decided to run, the criminal replied by saying he had done it on a whim.

What does subject to whims or passing fancies mean?

noun. a sudden fancy; idle and passing notion; capricious idea or desire. a kind of winch or capstan powered by a horse or steam, formerly used in mines to raise ore or water.

What is whim and fancy?

1 : a capricious or eccentric and often sudden idea or turn of the mind : fancy quit his job on a whim.

What is a synonym for the word whim?

Frequently Asked Questions About whim Some common synonyms of whim are caprice, crotchet, and vagary. While all these words mean “an irrational or unpredictable idea or desire,” whim implies a fantastic, capricious turn of mind or inclination.

What does whim mean in a sentence?

Frequency: The definition of a whim is a sudden desire to do something that wasn’t planned. An example of a whim is when you suddenly decide to go to Atlantic City on the spur of the moment because you feel like gambling. noun. 5.

Do it on a whim?

Based on a sudden, impulsive urge, desire, or idea; without careful planning or because of a capricious inclination. Major governmental policies cannot be decided on a whim; they have to be carefully and rationally thought through. …

Is whim good or bad?

This word often suggests that what someone wants is not important. So, whim carries the idea suddenness, unusualness, being unnecessary, without reasonable explanation and usually not being important.

What is the meaning of whim him?

/wɪm/ C2. a sudden wish or idea, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained: We booked the trip on a whim.

What’s the opposite of a whim?

Antonyms: actuality, certainty, fact, reality, truth, verity. Synonyms: belief, caprice, conceit, conception, desire, fancy, humor, idea, image, imagination, inclination, liking, mood, predilection, supposition, vagary.

When someone does something on a whim?

Based on a sudden, impulsive urge, desire, or idea; without careful planning or because of a capricious inclination.

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