What does it mean when something is displayed?

What does it mean when something is displayed?

1, 2. Display, evince, exhibit, manifest mean to show or bring to the attention of another or others. To display is literally to spread something out so that it may be most completely and favorably seen: to display goods for sale. To exhibit is to display something in a show: to exhibit the best flowers.

What kind of word is displayed?

What type of word is ‘displayed’? Displayed is a verb – Word Type.

What is the description of display?

A display is a computer output surface and projecting mechanism that shows text and often graphic images to the computer user, using a cathode ray tube ( CRT ), liquid crystal display ( LCD ), light-emitting diode, gas plasma, or other image projection technology.

Are displayed or displayed?

In short, you are correct. Display is a transitive verb (it requires an object) and the object here is the error message.

What display means kids?

noun. Kids Definition of display (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a presentation of something a fireworks display. 2 : an arrangement of something where it can be easily seen a store display. 3 : an electronic device (as a computer monitor) that shows information.

How do you use display in a sentence?

English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word “Display” in Example Sentences Page 1

  1. [S] [T] She displayed her talents. (
  2. [S] [T] That boy displayed no fear. (
  3. [S] [T] She proudly displayed her jewels. (
  4. [S] [T] A variety of books are displayed there. (

What does display mean as a verb?

transitive verb. 1a : to put or spread before the view display the flag. b : to make evident displayed great skill. c : to exhibit ostentatiously liked to display his erudition.

What is the purpose of display?

The purpose of a display is to highlight certain products by increasing their visibility. A display does not need to show all the items in a product line – focusing on three to five products makes a display less cluttered and more appealing to the eye.

Is displayed correct?

“Appears” is the right word for a new window that pops up or similar. “is displayed” is the right term for new information that appears in an existing space.

Is displayed in a sentence?

It displayed Quinn and Martha’s number. “Are you going to …” She drifted off and displayed her scarred forearms. The emotion she displayed seemed to defy duplicity. He wore a snug T-shirt that displayed the roped forearms covered in tattoos.

What is a good sentence for display?

Display sentence example. A glance at the display confirmed it was Alex. He stood beside her and they both watched mother natures’ display in rapt silence. The death dealer stripped off his shirt and weapons to display a muscular body.

What is a noun for display?

A show or spectacle.

Is displayed a verb?

English verb conjugation to display to the masculine. Regular verb: display – displayed – displayed.

What does put on display mean?

in a place that is able to be seen by many people Her work is on display at the gallery. place/put something on display: The costumes were placed on display at the museum. Synonyms and related words.

What does to display mean?

to show or exhibit; make visible: The vendors displayed their fruit.

  • to reveal; demonstrate: to display fear.
  • to show ostentatiously; flaunt: displaying his trophies.
  • Computing to show (computer data) on a screen: Let’s display the figures and see what we have.
  • What does “display as” mean?

    1. (an) act of showing or making clear. a display of military strength. 2. an entertainment etc intended to show the ability etc of those taking part. a dancing display. 3. something which shows or sets out something else. an advertising display.

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