What liquor is made from plums?

What liquor is made from plums?

Slivovitz, slivovitza, slivovitsa, sliboviță, šljivovica, śliwowica, Schlivowitz, slivovice, slivovica or slivovka is a fruit spirit (or fruit brandy) made from damson plums, often referred to as plum spirit (or plum brandy).

How do you drink slivovice?

Drinking it chilled, though never with ice, is said to help the body manage the alcohol better, though this does come at the expense of some flavour and aroma. Conversely, drinking it at room temperature will ensure the fruit essence comes through well even though the alcohol might go to your head sooner.

Is Palinka a Romanian?

Palinka is a type of fruit brandy that is common in Romania, Hungary, and other central European countries. In Romania it is also called palinca, with a “c” instead of a “k,” whereas in Hungary it is always spelled with a “k.” Popular flavors of this fruit brandy are plum, apricot, peach, pear, apple, and sour cherry.

What is Czech slivovice?

The most popular spirit is plum brandy, also slivovitz or slivovitsa (in Czech “slivovice”). It is a distilled alcoholic beverage popular in Central Europe and the Balkans. In the Czech Republic it is popular especially in Moravia region (Valašsko). It is made from plums and has between 40 and 55 percent alcohol.

How strong is slivovice?

Freshly distilled slivovitz has a relatively high degree of alcohol (around 56% abv; 112 proof) and is therefore diluted with spring water to a final 50% abv (100 proof).

Is brandy made from plums?

What is Plum Brandy? This is a fruity brandy recipe that tastes amazing during the holiday season. This recipe is a poor man’s slivovitz, which is a clear, distilled spirit made from plums and is enjoyed all over Eastern Europe. But, like champagne, to be called a pálinka it must be made in Hungary from fresh fruits.

What does Slivovice taste like?

Maraska (Croatia): Carries the flavor and aroma of light candied plums with a hint of toasted almond. Close to an eau de vie in flavor and body, it tastes the most honestly of plums without hitting you over the head with jammy stone fruit flavors. At 80 proof it goes down much easier than other bottles.

What is difference between slivovitz and rakija?

is that slivovitz is a type of rakija made of distilled, fermented plum juice it is sometimes referred to as plum brandy while rakija is a strong distilled alcoholic beverage made from various fruits, varieties of which (such as slivovitz) are found across the balkans and the mediterranean.

What liquor is popular in Romania?

Țuică is the most popular Romanian liquor, and it is traditionally served as an aperitif or a welcome drink. It is a staple on every special occasion, and it is usually served neat in shot glasses.

What liquor is Romania known for?

Tuica, Romania’s national drink, is a strong brandy made from fermented plums. Traditionally, people drink it before a meal as an aperitif.

Where is Slivovica made?

Slivovitz hails from Serbia, where it is the official national drink, but it is also a globally recognized brand that’s becoming more and more popular. It’s made out of a special variety of plums that have been previously fermented.

What alcohol do Serbians drink?

Rakija is considered to be the national drink of the vast majority of Balkan nations, with Serbia being the number one connoisseur of this heavenly drink. While it’s somewhat notorious for its relatively high alcohol content, a shot of Rakija in the morning has been a part of the Serbian culture for centuries.

What kind of fruit is called brandy in Romania?

The term “brandy” simply refers to any alcohol made by fermenting and distilling fruit. The fruit in Romania is almost always the plum, confusing called prune in Romanian ( proo-neh ), referring to the fresh fruit.

What kind of alcohol do they drink in Romania?

Although a few store brands of these drinks are palatable, for the truly good stuff, (including wine), it is best to find a person who made them at their home. In fact, the only alcohol regularly made better by factories in Romania is beer.

Where can I find Troyan plum brandy in Bulgaria?

In Bulgaria, the “Troyan plum brandy” (Troyanska Slivova) has been distilled in the Troyan Monastery by the monks since the founding of the monastery in the 14th century. The original recipe included 40 herbs, and was passed through the centuries from abbot to abbot.

What kind of fruit is used to make tuica in Romania?

In Romania the term rachiu ( rocky-you) just means that it is the same drink but made with a different kind of fruit (such as pears). The very best tuica is made with nothing but plums and yeast and has no sugar added.

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