What are the five original writing systems?

What are the five original writing systems?

Examples are the cuneiform writing of the Sumerians, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Cretan hieroglyphs, Chinese logographs, Indus script, and the Olmec script of Mesoamerica.

What are the 6 most common writing systems in the world?

The Most Popular Writing Scripts in The World

  1. Latin. Latin is an alphabet type of script and the most widely used in the world.
  2. Chinese. The second most widely used script in the world is Chinese, also known as hanzi, kanji, or hanja.
  3. Arabic. Arabic is the third most widely used script in the world.
  4. Devanagari.

What is the best writing system and why?

The Korean alphabet of Hangeul (한글) has a legitimate claim as being the world’s best writing system. Language learners and linguists widely recognize Hangeul for its intuitiveness and ease of learning.

What language has not been deciphered?

Proto-Elamite A script which first appeared in about 2900 BC in Suse (Susa), the capital of Elam, in south-western Persia (modern Iran). It has yet to be deciphered and the language it represents in unknown.

What are the different kinds of writing systems?

Types of writing system

  • Abjads / Consonant Alphabets.
  • Alphabets.
  • Abugidas / Syllabic Alphabets.
  • Syllabaries.
  • Semanto-phonetic writing systems.
  • Undeciphered writing systems.
  • Other writing and communication systems.
  • Constructed scripts.

What writing system does English use?

English orthography is the alphabetic spelling system used by the English language. English orthography uses a set of rules that governs how speech is represented in writing.

What is the most complicated writing system?

The Japanese language probably has the most complicated writing system in the world. Japanese uses three scripts in concert. The first system is called kanji, and is comprised of the logographic characters borrowed from Chinese.

What are the 14 alphabets?

Linear nonfeatural alphabets

  • Greek.
  • Greek & Latin.
  • Latin.
  • Latin & Cyrillic.
  • Cyrillic.
  • Georgian.
  • Latin & Armenian.
  • Armenian.

What is the most effective writing system?

Logan (2004) notes that, of all writing systems, the phonetic alphabet is regarded as the most efficient and economical transcription of speech into written codes, because it takes only 20 or so letters to create syllables that are enough to represent spoken language in text through a systematic blending of letters.

What is the newest writing system?

A constructed script is a new writing system specifically created by an individual or group, rather than having evolved as part of a language or culture like a natural script. The most prominent of constructed scripts may be Korean Hangul and the International Phonetic Alphabet.

What language family is Etruscan?

Etruscan (/ɪˈtrʌskən/) was the language of the Etruscan civilization, in Italy, in the ancient region of Etruria (modern Tuscany, western Umbria, northern Latium, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Lombardy and Campania)….Etruscan language.

Extinct >20 AD
Language family Tyrsenian? Etruscan
Writing system Etruscan alphabet
Language codes

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