What is a UV crosslinker used for?

What is a UV crosslinker used for?

The Crosslinkers are designed to measure and control the ultraviolet (UV) radiation within the exposure chamber. A unique UV sensor continually measures the UV energy and automatically adjusts to variations in UV intensity that occurs as the UV tubes age.

How do you dissolve DSS?

DSS is first dissolved in an organic solvent such as DMF or DMSO, then added to the aqueous crosslinking reaction. BS3, the water soluble analog of DSS is also available for applications that require a hydrophilic crosslinker (e.g. to effect cell-surface crosslinking).

What is DSS crosslinking?

DSS is a homobifunctional amine-specific protein crosslinking reagent based on NHS-ester reactive groups for selective conjugation of primary amines. DSS contains two NHS ester groups at both ends of a 8-carbon spacer that readily react towards primary amines at pH 7-9.

What does a crosslinking agent do?

Cross-linking agents are added to novolacs to create bridges among the novolac polymers, i.e., the process of curing. Among them, the most common is hexamethylenetetramine (in short known as HEXA), which decomposes and reacts with a considerable rate from 150 °C and formally provides six methylenes per molecule.

What is a paint crosslinker?

Paint Crosslinkers are designed for water-based paints to link molecules together to make the paints look better, feel better and settle down better. Adding a cross linker to a waterborne paint has advantages and disadvantages. It’s designed to increase UV protection, flow, and produce a harder wearing surface coating.

How does UV cross linking work?

Crosslinking is generally achieved using ultraviolet (UV) light to induce the formation of a covalent bond between unmodified RNAs or between RNA and a photoaffinity reagent incorporated randomly or at specific positions in the RNA structure (Elad, 1976).

Why does DSS cause colitis?

Dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) is a sulfated polysaccharide with variable molecular weights. Administration of DSS causes human ulcerative colitis-like pathologies due to its toxicity to colonic epithelial cells, which results in compromised mucosal barrier function.

How does DSS induce colitis?

At this molecular weight the tissue distribution reveals that DSS penetrates the mucosal membrane of the intestine[4]. Acute colitis is induced by administering DSS to the chosen strain of mice, often C57BL/6 or BALB/c male mice, for a period of 6-10 d (average 7 d).

What physical changes happen during crosslinking?

Results of Cross-Linking When cross-linking occurs, tissues become stiffer, and when tissues stiffen they don’t function as efficiently. Many of the symptoms of aging have to do with the stiffening of tissues. Cataracts, for example, are a stiffening of your eyes’ lenses.

What is Renner crosslinker?

The Renner Italia™ Water-Based Crosslink is a premium, water-based crosslink product that’s affordable and great complement to the Renner Italia™ Water-Based Primer line of products. This water-based crosslink is extremely durable, long-lasting and mildew resistant when proper application and maintenance over time.

What causes crosslinking?

Cross-links can be formed by chemical reactions that are initiated by heat, pressure, change in pH, or irradiation. For example, mixing of an unpolymerized or partially polymerized resin with specific chemicals called crosslinking reagents results in a chemical reaction that forms cross-links.

Does formaldehyde cross RNA link?

Formaldehyde promotes cross-linking between proteins in addition to protein-RNA interactions, and thus it is difficult to distinguish proteins that contact RNA directly from those that are complexed with directly bound proteins.

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