Where can I download the Cybage placement paper?

Where can I download the Cybage placement paper?

All the job Seekers can download the cybage placement paper from our website, by the link provided below. It contains all the placement questions asked previously in the company interview. Candidates from the fields of CSE, IT, ECE can apply with no back logs and minimum percentage 55% (2014).

How is the recruitment process for Cybage Software?

Cybage Recruitment process for freshers is conducted off-campus as well as on campus. The rounds discussed are of Off-campus if a candidate sitting for this company On-campus the rounds will be: online test, technical interview the shortlisted student go for HR. About the Company: Cybage Software is a technology consulting organization.

How is the selection process for Cybage fresher?

The candidate wanted to participate in Cybage fresher recruitment have to go through online Aptitude round or GD then shortlisted candidate will face technical interview round after that final round will be conducted for Cybage fresher recruitment which will be HR round.

How long is the aptitude test in Cybage?

Aptitude Test: The aptitude test will have 25 questions. The time given for this test will be of 30 minutes. Every question will have negative marking and for each wrong answer, 0.50 marks will be deducted. This test will check the candidate’s logical problem-solving skills.

What are the written questions for fresher batch of Cybage?

Cybage company has various round for fresher recruitment. Written test – It consists questions from mathematics (quant) which as moderate not very tough, English questions are a bit difficult. Total of 30 questions are asked generally.

Which is the best placement Paper Company in India?

Cybage was founded in 1995 in Pune , India. It is one of the top IT companies for which we have given the placement paper company wise. It is an Information Technology consulting company. The company provides services such as application development and maintenance. It has 5700+ employees working for the company.

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