What are the types of dissociative amnesia?

What are the types of dissociative amnesia?

Types of dissociative amnesia

  • Localized amnesia. Localized amnesia means that someone cannot recall a specific event or series of events, which creates a gap in their memory.
  • Selective amnesia.
  • Continuous amnesia.
  • Systematized amnesia.
  • Generalized amnesia.
  • Dissociative fugue.

What is the difference between amnesia and dissociative amnesia?

Dissociative amnesia is not the same as simple amnesia, which involves a loss of information from memory, usually as the result of disease or injury to the brain. With dissociative amnesia, the memories still exist but are deeply buried within the person’s mind and cannot be recalled.

What is dissociative amnesia and fugue?

Dissociative fugue, formerly called fugue state or psychogenic fugue, is a subtype of dissociative amnesia. It involves loss of memory for personal autobiographical information combined with unexpected and sudden travel and sometimes setting up a new identity.

What causes dissociative?

Causes. Dissociative disorders usually develop as a way of dealing with trauma. Dissociative disorders most often form in children exposed to long-term physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Natural disasters and combat can also cause dissociative disorders.

What is the most common type of dissociative amnesia?

Localized amnesia, the most common type of dissociative amnesia, is the inability to recall events during a specific period of time.

What are the symptoms of dissociative amnesia?


  • Memory loss (amnesia) of certain time periods, events, people and personal information.
  • A sense of being detached from yourself and your emotions.
  • A perception of the people and things around you as distorted and unreal.
  • A blurred sense of identity.

What is dissociative amnesia with dissociative fugue?

Per the DSM-5, dissociative amnesia with dissociative fugue is the “purposeful travel or bewildered wandering that is associated with amnesia for identity or for other important autobiographical information.”1(p156) As the name fugue implies, the condition involves psychological flight from an overwhelming situation.

What is the most common type of amnesia?

Below is a list of the most common ones: Anterograde amnesia: The person cannot remember new information. Things that happened recently and information that should be stored into short-term memory disappear. This usually results from a brain trauma, when a blow to the head causes brain damage, for example.

What is meant by dissociative amnesia?

Dissociative Amnesia means that the sufferer cannot remember periods of their life. This is sometimes known as autobiographic memory, and it includes everything important that has happened to the person throughout their life. The condition can present itself in five different ways.

What is it like to have dissociative amnesia?

Common symptoms associated with dissociative amnesia include memory loss and a feeling that things around you are not real. Confusion as to who you are and your identity is also common with this disorder. Other symptoms such as depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation can be seen with a diagnosis of dissociative amnesia.

Are there complications to dissociative amnesia?

Because those with dissociative amnesia are suffering from trauma, they are at increased risk for complications such as anxiety, eating disorders, alcohol abuse, suicide, depression, and self-mutilation. People with this disorder may also have difficulty at work and in personal relationships but most recover slowly with psychotherapy.

What is the diagnosis process of amnesia?

Diagnosis of transient global amnesia rests on excluding more-serious conditions — stroke, seizure or head injury, for example — that can cause the same type of memory loss. The process begins with a neurological exam, checking reflexes, muscle tone, muscle strength, sensory function, gait, posture, coordination and balance.

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