Does Xerath R slow?

Does Xerath R slow?

Active: Xerath calls down a blast of arcane energy, dealing magic damage to all enemies within the target area, slowing them by 25% for 2.5 seconds. Enemies in the center of the blast take 66.7% more magic damage and are slowed more. This slow decays rapidly.

What role is Xerath?


Is Xerath good right now?

Xerath is an extremely safe mid, and has very few counters.. someone who can rush through an entire minion wave and dodge his skills, like Akali or Fizz. His problem is that he’s very underwhelming when behind.

How do you fast ULT with Xerath?

Easy! The best way to use Xerath’s ult very quickly is when enemies are in crowd control. Any time you see the enemy ADC in stun, snare, or slow, you can simply shoot your Rite of the Arcane instantly. Xerath’s damage is very high, and it’s totally possible to take down a marksman only with your ultimate.

Is Xerath a late game champ?

Xerath is most powerful late game, especially with full items. Try to stop and starve him early. Xerath’s mana can be depleted quickly and he needs to come in short range for his passive to work.

What Lane does Xerath?

mid lane
Xerath is one of those champions in League of Legends that can only be imagined on mid lane.

What is Xerath made of?

“A lifetime as a slave has prepared me for eternity as your master.” Xerath is an Ascended Magus of ancient Shurima, a being of arcane energy writhing in the broken shards of a magical sarcophagus.

Who is Xerath from the League of Legends?

Xerath is an Ascended Magus of ancient Shurima, a being of arcane energy writhing in the broken shards of a magical sarcophagus. For millennia, he was trapped beneath the desert sands, but the rise of Shurima freed him from his ancient prison.

What’s the maximum range of Xerath in League of Legends?

The real time to maximum self-slow and range is thus 1. 5 to 1. 75 seconds. The rectangle hitbox’s minimum range is 0, right through Xerath’s center.

How did Xerath save Azir in League of Legends?

On the annual tour of the emperor’s dominion, assassins struck the royal caravan as it spent the night at a well-known oasis. Xerath saved Azir from an assassin’s blade, but Azir’s brothers were all slain, leaving the young prince a heartbeat away from Shurima’s throne.

When does Xerath recast arcanopulse in League of Legends?

Recast: After a delay of 0.528 seconds, Xerath fires a beam of energy in the target direction, dealing magic damage to all enemies within the area. The onset of Arcanopulse’s self- slow and first range increase is at a random interval of 0 to 0. 25 seconds.

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