How many areas are there in BioShock Infinite?

How many areas are there in BioShock Infinite?

BioShock Infinite has 40 chapters. Of course, not every chapter takes the same amount of time to complete. Regardless, you need to complete them all.

Where is BioShock Infinite located?

of Columbia
BioShock Infinite takes place in the flying steampunk city of Columbia.

Where are the big daddies in Point Prometheus?

Little Sister 19 can be found inside the Little Wonders Educational Facility of Point Prometheus. The Little Sister and Big Daddy can be found walking around the bottom floor of this area.

Does it matter if you pick the bird or the cage in BioShock Infinite?

Should I Choose the Bird or the Cage? The honest truth is that it doesn’t really matter, at least not in terms of gameplay, with more of a symbolic impact than anything mechanical.

Where are all the locations in BioShock Infinite?

The following is the list of the locations in BioShock Infinite . The Lighthouse – The hidden entrance to Columbia, just off the coast of Maine. Town Center – Entry point to Columbia, site of the Welcome Center, the Garden of New Eden, New Eden Square, the Fairgrounds, Path of the Scroll, Raffle Park, and the Blue Ribbon .

When does BioShock Infinite come out for PC?

BioShock Infinite is the third game in the BioShock series. Announced on August 12, 2010, it was Irrational Games’ final project. It was released on March 26, 2013 for PC (Steam), Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3; August 29th, 2013 for Mac (Mac App Store and Steam) and March 17th, 2015 for Linux (Steam).

What kind of society is Columbia in BioShock Infinite?

Under Comstock’s rule, Columbia became a militant pseudo – Christian utopian society that worshiped him as a divine prophetic figure and the Founding Fathers of the United States as religious icons. Despite Columbia’s apparent utopian exteriors, it is soon revealed to be a hidden dystopia.

Which is the third game in the BioShock series?

Infinite is the third installment in the BioShock series, and though it is not immediately part of the storyline of previous BioShock games, it features similar gameplay concepts and themes.

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