What area is 01269 telephone code?

What area is 01269 telephone code?

The location for 01269 is Ammanford, UK. The 01269 area code will allow you to make calls to Ammanford from wherever in the world you are.

What is the UK caller code?

Step 2 – Dial the Country Code (44) Secondly, enter the UK country code: 44. Entering the country code will allow you to get through to any UK-based phone number.

What area code is 01379?

01379 Area Code (Dialling Code) 💡 01379 is the area code for Diss and the surrounding area. The UK telephone numbers from Diss have this format : (01379) ###### within the 5 digit geographical dialling code 01379 (including the zero) are 11 digits long.

What area is 01259 code?

💡 01259 is the area code for Alloa and the surrounding area. The UK telephone numbers from Alloa have this format : (01259) ###### within the 5 digit geographical dialling code 01259 (including the zero) are 11 digits long.

What area code is 01268 in UK?

💡 01268 is the area code for Basildon and the surrounding area.

What is a valid UK mobile number?

A mobile phone number in the United Kingdom always starts with the digits ’07’, for instance ‘07911 123456’. Adding ‘+44’, the UK’s country code makes the number unambiguous; ‘+44 7911 123456’ will always connect to a mobile phone in the UK.

What does +44 mean number?

+44 is the international code for the UK. 0.

Which area code is 01730?

💡 01730 is the area code for Petersfield and the surrounding area.

What area code is 01279 in UK?

The location for 01279 is Bishops Stortford, UK. The 01279 area code will allow you to make calls to Bishops Stortford from wherever in the world you are.

Where is 01259 in the UK?

Where is the 01259 Area Code? The 01259 dialling code intersects the counties of Clackmannan and Perth and Kinross in the Scotland Region of the UK.

Where do 01268 calls come from?

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