What area is telephone number 0161?

What area is telephone number 0161?

0161 Area Code The location for 0161 is Manchester, UK. The 0161 area code will allow you to make calls to Manchester from wherever in the world you are.

Where do 0161 numbers come from?

0161 is the area code for Manchester, Greater Manchester, UK. The code also covers areas such as Altrincham, Bury, Oldham, Salford, and Stockport.

What dial code is 014?

Ranking of the most reported location by 014

# Country City
1 United Kingdom London
2 United Kingdom Manchester
3 United Kingdom Birmingham
4 United Kingdom Sheffield

How much does a 119 call cost?

The official advice is to book a test online wherever possible at nhs.co.uk/coronavirus, “or call 119 if you have no internet access.” The 119 number now stands alongside other designated three-digit emergency and non-emergency phone numbers, such as 999 and 111. Calls to the number will be free of charge.

Which is the correct area code for 01618?

⚠️ Please note that 01618 is not a valid area code. The correct area code is 0161 and is used by landlines from Manchester, the following number (8) is a part of the local number. Please, search in the top search box the full phone number that called you.

How much does it cost to call a 0161 number?

Phone numbers beginning 0161 are geographic numbers. The cost of calling an 0161 number. When calling from a land line, calls to 0161 numbers can cost up to 10p per minute, dependent on the time of day, and there is usually also a call set-up fee.

Is there an app to block calls from 01618?

If you want to block the calls from 01618 and protect your phone against other potential scams, you can download our app CallBlocker, which automatically identifies and blocks all spam calls that we detect on our website. CallBlocker is a free app, in the last year we have had more than 1 million downloads!

Which is the area code for Manchester 0161?

The area code is in fact 0161, and the following 8 is part of the local number. So 01618 should actually be written 0161 8, although it makes no difference when dialling the number. For more information on 0161 numbers, see the page for the 0161 area code The 0161 area code covers Manchester and the surrounding area.

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