What is a Greek spear called?

What is a Greek spear called?

The dory or doru (/ˈdɒruː/; Greek: δόρυ) is a spear that was the chief spear of hoplites (heavy infantry) in Ancient Greece. The word “dory” was first attested by Homer with the meanings of “wood” and “spear”. Homeric heroes hold two dorata (Greek: δόρατα, plural of δόρυ) (Il.

What was the spear of the Hetairoi called?

xyston spear
Macedonia possessed a skilled cavalry soldiers, known as the Hetairoi, who used the xyston spear as their main weapon.

What were spartan spears called?

Spears and pikes — or “sarissas” — were the primary weapons of the Spartan military and provided long-range capabilities during battles. Both weapons were constructed using wood for the shaft and iron for the pointed ends. The spears often had a bronze spike opposite to the pointed end to help balance the weapons.

Did Spartans throw spears?

The Javelin is a throwing spear. It was the Long-Range weapon of the Spartan. It is also used by Alexander the Great and Vlad the Impaler in Deadliest Warrior: Legends. Javelins existed throughout the stoneage and were one of the oldest projectile weapons in history.

What is shock cavalry?

Heavy cavalry was a class of cavalry intended to deliver a battlefield charge and also to act as a tactical reserve; they are also often termed shock cavalry. They were distinct from light cavalry, who were intended for scouting, screening, and skirmishing.

How did Alexander use his cavalry?

Alexander did not use the phalanx as the decisive arm in his battles, but instead used it to pin and demoralize the enemy while his heavy cavalry would charge selected opponents or exposed enemy unit flanks, most usually after driving the enemy horse from the field.

Is javelin a weapon?

A javelin is a light spear designed primarily to be thrown, historically as a ranged weapon, but today predominantly for sport. The javelin is almost always thrown by hand, unlike the sling, bow, and crossbow, which launch projectiles with the aid of a hand-held mechanism.

What were Spartan spears made of?

Who invented shock cavalry?

Philip II of Macedon
history of military technology …the 4th century bce of shock cavalry by the armies of Philip II of Macedon and his son Alexander the Great.

What was the best cavalry in history?

In both role and equipment, the Companions was the first cavalry force that was known to represent archetypal heavy cavalry. The Companion cavalry, or Hetairoi, were the elite arm of the Macedonian army, and have been regarded as the best cavalry in the ancient world.

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