What is the formula of tartrate ion?

What is the formula of tartrate ion?

A tartrate is a salt or ester of the organic compound tartaric acid, a dicarboxylic acid. The formula of the tartrate dianion is O−OC-CH(OH)-CH(OH)-COO− or C4H4O62−….Tartrate.

Chemical formula C4H4O62−
Molar mass 148.07 g/mol
Conjugate acid Bitartrate

What is molar mass of sodium tartrate?

194.051 g/mol
Sodium tartrate/Molar mass

Is sodium tartrate aqueous?

In organic synthesis, it is used in aqueous workups to break up emulsions, particularly for reactions in which an aluminium-based hydride reagent was used. Sodium Potassium tartrate is also important in the food industry….Potassium sodium tartrate.

Solubility in ethanol insoluble
Crystal structure orthorhombic
Related compounds

What is C4H4O6?

Tartrate dianion | C4H4O6 | ChemSpider.

Is tartrate soluble in water?

Sodium tartrate

Density 1.545 g/cm3 (dihydrate)
Solubility in water soluble
Solubility insoluble in ethanol

What is the mass of water?

18.01528 g/mol
Water/Molar mass

Is potassium tartrate soluble in water?

Potassium bitartrate/Soluble in
Potassium tartrate is the potassium salt of tartaric acid and is produced by the reaction of tartaric acid with potassium sodium tartrate (Rochelle Salt) and potassium sulfate. Potassium tartrate is a colorless crystal or white crystalline powder soluble in water.

What is citrate ion?

Citrate(3-) is a tricarboxylic acid trianion, obtained by deprotonation of the three carboxy groups of citric acid. It has a role as a fundamental metabolite. It is a citrate anion and a tricarboxylic acid trianion.

Is calcium tartrate soluble in water?

Calcium tartrate is also known as mn(iii) tartrate or tartaric acid, calcium salt, (r-r*,r*)-isomer. Calcium tartrate is soluble (in water) and a moderately acidic compound (based on its pKa).

How is the quantity of potassium hydrogen tartrate determined?

The HC 4 H 4 O 6- (aq) ion contains one acidic hydrogen, so that the quantity of potassium hydrogen tartrate in solution can be determined by titration with a base. Because of the complexity of the formula, we will refer to the KHC 4 H 4 O 6 as KHT in order to simplify the equation.

Which is the correct formula for a tartrate dianion?

A tartrate is a salt or ester of the organic compound tartaric acid, a dicarboxylic acid. The formula of the tartrate dianion is O − OC-CH (OH)-CH (OH)-COO − or C 4 H 4 O 6 2−.

Which is the most common form of tartrate?

The main forms of tartrates used commercially are pure crystalline tartaric acid used as an acidulant in non-alcoholic drinks and foods, cream of tartar used in baking, and Rochelle salt, commonly used in electroplating solutions. Read full article at Wikipedia… Edit article at Wikipedia…

Can you extract wine lees with potassium acid tartrate?

Extracting wine lees with hot water dissolves the potassium acid tartrate. When 68 the filtered extraction solution is cooled, potassium acid tartrate precipitates as very pure crystals (>99.5% 69 pure). No other reagents or solvents are involved in the extraction.

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