What is the stock Glock trigger pull weight?

What is the stock Glock trigger pull weight?

All full-sized and compact Glocks have a trigger pull measuring approximately twenty-four newtons, or 5.39 pounds, versus twenty-eight newtons of force, or 6.29 pounds of force for smaller, concealed carry Glock handguns.

What is a Glock New York trigger?

Product Description. The GLOCK “New York” trigger has its name from the New York Police Department. It facilitates officers changing from revolvers to pistols. This part increases trigger pull weight from factory standard 5.5 lb. to 8 lb.

How many pounds is a stock Glock trigger spring?

The standard Glock trigger pull (with a 5.5-lb connector) runs around 6-7 pounds, but that was WAY too light for some police departments whose officers were sorely undertrained, and had more than several instances of negligent discharges.

How many pounds does it take to pull a trigger?

If you have a double action / single action pistol, the first trigger pull could be in the neighborhood of 12-13 pounds with 5 pounds or so for every single trigger pull thereafter.

What is a good trigger weight?

Trigger weight is the amount of force that is required to pull the trigger, which fires the gun. Experts in Glock pistols say that the ideal trigger weight is somewhere between 4 and 6 pounds, with variances on either side depending on personal preference and the firearm you are shooting.

What does the connector do in a Glock?

Glock Trigger Connector Purpose The primary purpose of the trigger connector is to regulate resistance in the trigger pull. There are connectors that can increase the weight of the trigger pull, and there are connectors that can decrease the weight of the trigger pull.

What is a ghost Glock 19?

LOS ANGELES — A handgun that looks and fires just like a Glock 9mm has no serial number, is completely untraceable and 100 percent legal. It’s known as a “ghost gun,” and we bought one online with no background check or waiting period. After a safety check and test-firing, Reitz put the gun through its paces.

Is Glock 19 trigger same as Glock 26?

Trigger reach should be the same between the G26 and G19 within the same generation. The only way that would change in a Gen4 between the 26 and 19 is if the backstraps were changed.

How much does a Glock New York trigger weigh?

Another disturbing trend is for Law Enforcement agencies to put very heavy triggers on their issue service pistols for liability reasons. The most famous example is the Glock New York trigger that weighs approx 8 lbs, and even worse is the New York plus that has a trigger pull weight of 12 lbs.

How did the Glock New York Trigger get its name?

The GLOCK “New York” trigger has its name from the New York Police Department. It facilitates officers changing from revolvers to pistols. This part increases trigger pull weight from factory standard 5.5 lb. to 8 lb.

What does the New York trigger group do?

One thing the New York trigger group gives you, in addition to a heavier pull, is a double action revolver feel. It transfers the resistance into a vertical orientation as opposed to a horizontal one. For this reason it’s often installed to help revolver shooters transition to the Glock.

What should the weight of a pistol trigger be?

The following are my thoughts on the subject: > As a general rule, a serious use pistol should have a trigger no lighter than 4 pounds and ideally no more than 6 pounds.

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