Is MS bilateral or unilateral?

Is MS bilateral or unilateral?

The most typical presentation of MS optic neuritis is unilateral and has acute or subacute onset. Patients often have retrobulbar, “gritty” pain when they move their eye. Complete blindness is unusual, and complete recovery occurs in nearly all patients.

Do symptoms come and go with MS?

MS symptoms can come and go and change over time. They can be mild, or more severe. The symptoms of MS are caused by your immune system attacking the nerves in your brain or spinal cord by mistake. These nerves control lots of different parts of your body.

What does undiagnosed MS feel like?

Because the central nervous system is affected, those symptoms can be wide-ranging. Among the most common are vision problems, muscle weakness, numbness and difficulty with balance and coordination.

What are the symptoms of multiple sclerosis ( MS )?

Multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis. In multiple sclerosis, the protective coating on nerve fibers (myelin) is damaged and may eventually be destroyed. Depending on where the nerve damage occurs, MS can affect vision, sensation, coordination, movement, and bladder and bowel control. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease

What kind of pain does the MS hug cause?

The MS hug is caused by a lesion or an area of active inflammation within the spinal cord. This means that the myelin sheath, the coating that insulates nerve fibers, has been damaged. The type of pain caused by the MS hug is technically classified as a neuropathic type of pain, also called dysesthesia, which refers to any abnormal sensation. 2

Can a heart attack be a symptom of MS?

Like other symptoms of MS, this type of pain can intensify or be triggered by fatigue or stress. It can also sometimes be accompanied by a sensation of difficulty breathing, which is why it may be perceived as a heart attack or panic attack. Chest pain needs to be taken seriously.

Why do I feel tired when I have multiple sclerosis?

Sometimes, the cause of fatigue relates to another symptom of MS. For example, people with bladder dysfunction may sleep poorly because they have to wake throughout the night to go to the bathroom. People with MS who have nocturnal muscle spasms may not sleep well, leaving them feeling tired during the day.

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