What do you call a gluttonous person?

What do you call a gluttonous person?

edacious, greedy, hoggish, piggish, ravenous, voracious. 2. Having an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit: avid, edacious, greedy, omnivorous, rapacious, ravenous, unappeasable, voracious.

Can you call someone a glutton?

a person who eats and drinks excessively or voraciously. a person with a remarkably great desire or capacity for something: a glutton for work; a glutton for punishment.

What is gluttonous behavior?

The definition of gluttonous is doing something in an excessive way. An example of someone gluttonous is a teen-aged boy who eats constantly. Given to excessive eating; prone to overeating.

What makes someone gluttonous?

The definition of a glutton is someone who is very eager for something, or who cannot get enough of something, or who eats an excessive amount. A person who greedily eats too much. noun. 3. A person who eats or consumes immoderate amounts of food and drink.

What is to envy someone?

1 : a feeling of unhappiness over another’s good fortune together with a desire to have the same good fortune He was filled with envy on seeing her success. 2 : a person or a thing that is envied. envy. verb. envied; envying.

What is the sin called when you overeat?

Gluttony (Latin: gula, derived from the Latin gluttire meaning “to gulp down or swallow”) means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items, particularly as status symbols. Some Christian denominations consider gluttony one of the seven deadly sins.

Is glutton an insult?

A “glutton” is always negative – a “foodie” is usually positive. The word “glutton” is not used very often, except in the saying “He’s a glutton for punishment” (meaning that he does not learn by experience and continues to repeat an action that has resulted in punishment of some sort.)

What glutinous means?

: having the quality of glue : gummy.

Is gluttony an emotion?

Nowadays, gluttony is seen as an emotional cry for help, as succinctly put by author Peter De Vries, who said, “Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.”

Is overeating a sin?

There are places where the bible warns against overeating as it may make a person sick (Proverbs 25:16), but nowhere where he calls it an outright sin.

What does the name glutton mean?

glutton (Noun) One who consumes voraciously, obsessively, or to excess. Etymology: gloton, gluton, from gluto. glutton (Noun) A carnivorous mammal , of the family Mustelidæ, about the size of a large badger. It was formerly believed to be inordinately voracious, whence the name; the wolverine.

How to use glutton in a sentence?

Behold a glutton and a winebibber!

  • Do you know what a glutton is?
  • Let us leave the glutton with his quarry.
  • And I also,that you are a glutton and an impostor.
  • Now Hooty the Owl is a glutton and is lazy.
  • Now Reddy Fox is also a glutton and very,very crafty.
  • Yes,it’s like a glutton to be quick about it.
  • What is the plural of Glutton?

    In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be gluttony . However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be gluttonies e.g. in reference to various types of gluttonies or a collection of gluttonies. Find more words!

    What is another word for greedy glutton?

    other words for greedy glutton. achievement. ambition. anticipation. aspiration. belief. concern. confidence. desire.

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