What does a Valley Girl say?

What does a Valley Girl say?

Though the word’s traditional uses began in Old English, media emphasis on “like” as a cultural signifier of youth took off due to Frank and Moon Zappa’s 1982 song “Valley Girl,” whose refrain — “Like, oh my God!” — echoed through our domestic landscape.

What is a typical Valley Girl?

A Valley girl is a socioeconomic, linguistic, and youth subcultural stereotype and stock character originating during the 1980s: any materialistic upper-middle-class young woman, associated with unique vocal and California dialect features, from the Los Angeles commuter communities of the San Fernando Valley.

What is the Valley Girl stereotype?

Valley girl is a stereotype depicting a socio-economic and ethnic class of white women characterized by the colloquial California English dialect Valleyspeak and vapid materialism.

What does it mean to sound like a Valley Girl?

Sounding like a Valley Girl could mean that you pronounce some of your vowels in a modified way (for example, “hat” sounds like “hot”), or you end phrases and sentences with a rise in pitch, sounding like you are questioning and uncertain (uptalk or upspeak).

What is meaning of Valley boy?

Filters. (US, slang) A young gay man who listens to 70’s genre music. noun. (US, slang) A young man who lives in the “Valley”, specifically the San Fernando Valley.

Is Valley Girl based on a true story?

Though Richman’s remembered 2020 version features choreography and singing, her original story was told in the actually-from-the-era 1983 film Valley Girl, where Nicolas Cage played the part of Randy. …

What is a Valley guy?

valley boy (plural valley boys) (US, slang) A young man who lives in the “Valley”, specifically the San Fernando Valley. (US, slang) A young gay man who listens to 1970s genre music. (Britain, Wales) A young man from the South Wales Valleys.

Is Valley Girl a dialect?

Amanda Ritchart is a native speaker of Southern Californian English, the dialect also known as “Valley Girl talk” — you know, the one that’s like totally full of the word “like.” The dialect’s most recognizable characteristic might be the rise in pitch that speakers use at the end of some sentences.

What is meaning of valley boy?

What do you say to a valley girl?

If someone hesitates to respond to something you say, a Valley girl would say something such as, “So ” or “OK, so, you know ” or “like whatever.” Breaks in conversation are uncomfortable for Valley girls and must be filled.

When did the song Valley Girl come out?

A 1982 song by Frank Zappa and the 1983 Nicolas Cage movie “Valley Girl,” highlighted the distinctive speech of San Fernando Valley upper middle-class adolescent girls of the decade.

When does a valley girl raise her voice?

A Rising Pitch Raising the pitch of the voice at the end of sentences is one of the most characteristic qualities of Valley girl speech. While most people’s voices only rise in pitch when posing a question, a Valley girl’s voice rises even when making statements such as, “Seriously, like that dress is so for a Betty.”

Where can I find Valley Girl by Frank Zappa?

Valley Girl is found on the album Have I Offended Someone? . We do not have any tags for Valley Girl lyrics. Why not add your own?

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