What does GUMPS stand for in aviation?

What does GUMPS stand for in aviation?

GUMP = Gas, Undercarriage, Mixture, Prop.

What does the acronym GUMPS stand for?

Acronym. Definition. GUMPS. Gas, Undercarriage, Mixture, Prop, Switches (aviation prelanding checklist)

What is fog called?

There are several types of fog: Radiation Fog. Precipitation Fog. Advection Fog. Steam Fog. Upslope Fog.

Is haze the same as fog?

Fog and haze differ in that fog is a thick, opaque effect that lasts a short time, while haze is a thin, translucent effect that lasts a long time. Fog is used as a special effect, whereas haze is used for lighting/atmosphere enhancement.

What does CIGAR mean in aviation?

controls check, instruments set
CIGAR stands for controls check, instruments set, gas (fuel on proper tank, pump on), attitude (flaps and trim set) and runup (magnetos check). Most runup checklists are more extensive, but the CIGAR check accomplishes the common items that are critical in most small aircraft.

What does Imsafe mean in aviation?

The “pilot” element is further dissected with another acronym, IMSAFE (illness, medication, stress, alcohol, fatigue, emotion) to help refine the risks to a given flight.

What are pilot deviations?

A pilot deviation is an action of or by a pilot that results in a failure to comply with an ATC clearance and/or instruction. The penalties for pilot deviations can range anywhere from a FAA Administrative or Enforcement Action, a “709” ride requirement, or even death.

What is the definition of fog in aviation?

full text of the classic FAA guide. Fog is a surface based cloud composed of either water droplets or ice crystals. Fog is the most frequent cause of surface visibility below 3 miles, and is one of the most common and persistent weather hazards encountered in aviation.

What does the acronym Gumps stand for in aviation?

GUMPS is an acronym widely used by fixed-wing aircraft pilots as a mental checklist to ensure nothing critical has been forgotten before landing. Its popularity is widespread, appearing in flight student curricula, FAA publications and aviation magazines.

When does fog form on a flat surface?

Fog will form when temperature and dew point are about 5°F/3°C within one another Winds cause surface friction to cause an eddy causing more air to contact the ground Radiation, also know as ground fog, forms over low-lying flat surfaces on clear, calm, humid nights [ Figure 1]

How does advection fog form in the air?

Advection Fog: 1 Advection fog occurs when a low layer of warm, moist air moves over a cooler surface [ Figure 2] 2 Some wind velocity is required for formation and in fact, the fog becomes thicker and denser as wind speed increases up to about 15 knots 3 Stronger winds lift moisture into low stratus clouds

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