What is the history of Trinidad?

What is the history of Trinidad?

Columbus discovered Trinidad and Tobago on his third voyage in 1498. Trinidad was inhabited by the Arawak Indians, who were killed by early European settlers. It was colonized by the Spanish in 1592. It continued under Spanish rule until 1797, when it was captured by the British.

What important event occurred in the history of Trinidad and Tobago in 1976?

Trinidad and Tobago achieved full independence via the Trinidad and Tobago Independence Act 1962 on 31 August 1962 within the Commonwealth with Queen Elizabeth II as its titular head of state. On 1 August 1976, the country became a republic, and the last Governor-General, Sir Ellis Clarke, became the first President.

What is Trinidad famous for?

Trinidad and Tobago is well known for its African and Indian cultures, reflected in its large and famous Carnival, Diwali, and Hosay celebrations, as well being the birthplace of steelpan, the limbo, and music styles such as calypso, soca, rapso, parang, chutney, and chutney soca.

What happened in Trinidad and Tobago in 1980?

1980 – A rash of firebombings, arsons and political shootings afflict the country. 1981 – Agriculture Minister George Chambers becomes prime minister following Williams’ death.

What was the original name of Trinidad?

Land of the Hummingbird
Name. The original name for the island in the Arawaks’ language was Iëre which meant “Land of the Hummingbird”. Christopher Columbus renamed it La Isla de la Trinidad (‘The Island of the Trinity’), fulfilling a vow he had made before setting out on his third voyage. This has since been shortened to Trinidad.

Who first discovered Trinidad and Tobago?

Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus landed on Trinidad, which he named for the Holy Trinity, in 1498 and found a land quietly inhabited by the Arawak and Carib Indians.

What happened in Trinidad and Tobago in 1970?

The Black Power Revolution, also known as the Black Power Movement, 1970 Revolution, Black Power Uprising and February Revolution, was an attempt by a number of social elements, people and interest groups in Trinidad and Tobago to effect socio-political change.

What happened in Trinidad and Tobago in 1962?

Trinidad and Tobago gained its independence from Great Britain on August 31st 1962. At midnight on 30th August 1962, the Union Jack (British flag) was lowered and the Trinidad and Tobago flag was raised for the first time. Bells tolled and sirens rang out to herald the birth of the newly independent nation.

What did Trinidadians invent?

7) Trinidad and Tobago invented the only new acoustic instrument of the 20th century. The Steelpan is considered the islands’ national instrument and was born out of the oil industry; the first ones were made out of oil drums. It’s hard to believe that these oil drums can be the source of such sweet sounds.

What is unique about Trinidad?

Small Island, Big Energy Industry: Trinidad and Tobago is one of the oldest hydrocarbon producers in the world, with commercial production dating as early as 1908. Trinidad and Tobago is also a major petrochemical hub and is the one of the world’s largest exporters of ammonia, ethanol and liquefied natural gas.

Are people from Trinidad black?

Afro-Trinidadians and Tobagonians make up the country’s second largest ethnic group, with approximately 36.3% of the population identifying as being of African descent. People of African background were brought to the island as slaves as early as the 16th century.

Who came to Trinidad first?

The first settlers in Trinidad and Tobago are reported to have been two First Peoples (aka Amerindian) tribes as early as 5000BC, often described as the Arawaks and the Caribs, though new research has provided a number of alternative narratives.

What was the history of Trinidad and Tobago?

History Trinidad and Tobago was “discovered” in 1498, when the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus landed on our shores. In reality, we were already “found” and occupied by the indigenous Amerindian tribes of the Arawaks and Caribs. Trinidad remained in the hands of the Spanish from the 15th Century.

When was the oil boom in Trinidad and Tobago?

This continuity and stability in government were accompanied by economic problems and social unrest, which broke out in widespread disturbances in 1970–71. The oil boom in 1973–81 brought sudden prosperity to most sections of the population, and Trinidad and Tobago entered a period of rapid development and industrialization.

When did Christopher Columbus arrive in Trinidad and Tobago?

Trinidad and Tobago was “discovered” in 1498, when the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus landed on our shores. In reality, we were already “found” and occupied by the indigenous Amerindian tribes of the Arawaks and Caribs.

When did Trinidad and Tobago stop producing sugar?

Tobago’s sugar production peaked in the 1790s but began an irreversible decline after 1807. Tobago was ceded to Britain for the last time in 1814, but by then its importance as a sugar-exporting colony had already begun to wane. Tobago had its own bicameral legislature until 1874.

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