What is a spreader Endodontics?

What is a spreader Endodontics?

Endodontic spreaders are metal instruments used for packing root canal fill material to the sides of a canal in order to make room for additional material.

What are pluggers in dentistry?

[plug´er] a dental instrument for packing, condensing, and compacting filling material into a tooth cavity.

What is master cone in endodontics?

Customized master cones represent a change in concept: rather than instrumenting the root canal to fit the shape of a round, industrial, master cone, a cone is prepared to fit the shape of the ready-to-fill canal.

What does a finger spreader do?

A finely tapered, smooth-surfaced, flexible hand instrument used to laterally condense gutta-percha points during root canal therapy. The finger spreader is inserted between the canal wall and the gutta-percha point; after removal, a standardized accessory point coated with sealer is inserted into the residual space.

What are endodontic sealers?

Root canal sealers along with solid core material plays a major role in achieving the three dimensional sealing of the root canal system. These sealers are binding agents which are used to adapt the rigid gutta-percha to canal walls and to fill up the voids, accessory canals and irregularities within the canal.

What is a finger spreader?

What is the ball burnisher used for?

Burnishers are dental hand instruments, normally used at the end of dental restoration procedures or operations. They are used for polishing and contouring amalgam fillings and to polish composite fillings.

What is endodontic flare up?

A flare-up is defined as the occurrence of severe pain and swelling following an endodontic treatment appointment, requiring an unscheduled visit and active treatment. Flare-up is a well known complication that disturbs both patients and dentists.

What is gutta-percha cones?

gutta-percha cone in root canal therapy, a plastic radiopaque cone made from gutta-percha and other ingredients, available in standard sizes according to the dimensions of root canal reamers and files; used to fill and seal the canal along with sealer cements. Called also gutta-percha point.

How do you use K file in endodontics?

It is the instrument most commonly used for cleaning and shaping. The K-file works on the “pull” stroke – that is, by scraping the canal walls as it is withdrawn from the canal. It is advanced to the full working length rotated 1/4 to 1/2 turn clockwise, and withdrawn while being pressed against one of the walls.

What do Endo Pluggers and finger spreaders do?

Endo Pluggers and Finger Spreaders. During a root canal procedure, the proper distribution of gutta percha throughout the root canal system is essential. Gutta percha is a thermoplastic material used to fill the pulp space after the canal system has been thoroughly cleaned and shaped.

What kind of finger spreader is used for root canal?

Gutta percha is a thermoplastic material used to fill the pulp space after the canal system has been thoroughly cleaned and shaped. The use of finger spreaders, hand and heated pluggers have greatly improved the dentists’ ability to apply this gutta percha efficiently and effectively throughout the entire root canal.

What kind of finger plugger does Kerr dental use?

These double-ended pluggers feature stainless steel on one end and nickel-titanium on the other end. Both the finger spreaders and finger pluggers are available in standardized sizes and are designed to match with the Kerr Gutta Percha Points.

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