Is Jek-14 in the Clone Wars?

Is Jek-14 in the Clone Wars?

Jek-14 was a Force-sensitive Sith clone of a basic clone trooper created by Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus on Kamino during the Clone Wars. He was originally intended to be part of a much larger “Sith clone” army.

Is Jek-14 a Jango Fett clone?

Jek-14 was born in 21 BBY on Kamino, cloned from the genetic template of bounty hunter Jango Fett.

Is Jek-14 good or bad?

He is a Force-sensitive Sith clone created by Count Dooku and he presented himself to Darth Sidious in the flesh. He appears as a villain in LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles, but then later becomes a hero and one of the main characters during the series.

Who was Jek?

“Jek” was a clone of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. At the start of the Clone Wars he was tasked with protecting the senate as well as escort duty. Until he and a fellow Trooper under the command of Lieutenant Thire went with Jedi General Yoda on his Mission to Rugosa.

How is Omega a girl?

Even though Omega’s a clone born on Kamino like the rest of the clone army, it’s explained that she’s the result of a genetic mutation even more extreme than the ones displayed by the members of the Bad Batch. For one thing, she’s a girl while the rest of the clones are all male.

What happened Rowan Freemaker?

Using the Force, Rowan managed to repair the tube, which had been damaged during Darth Vader’s duel with Luke Skywalker. However, Rowan got himself accidentally frozen in carbonite in the process. Kordi arrived but was joined by Naare, Dengar, Baash and Raam.

Can Republic gunships fly in space?

Uses. The LAAT series of gunships was designed to transport and support up to 30 clone troopers in combat. Later versions allowed the gunship to fly through space and actually be used for boarding in ship-to-ship battles.

What happened to Rys Jek and thire?

Rys and Jek managed to destroy a squad of B1-series battle droids together before reuniting with Thire and learning that he had lost Yoda. The trio were then forced to retreat by a group of B2-series super battle droids, Thire was knocked to the ground by heavy weapons super battle droid’s missile as they fled.

Is Omega a girl bad batch?

Is Freemaker adventure canon?

Continuity. While The Freemaker Adventures is not considered canon, the creators Motz and Roth and director Hegner still consulted the Lucasfilm Story Group members Leland Chee and Carrie Beck to ensure that the show did not contradict the official Canon storyline.

Who did Zander Freemaker marry?

Following the end of the Galactic Civil War, Becky and Zander married, started a family, and had a daughter named Moxie, who would follow in her parents’ footsteps and join the Resistance to fight against the First Order.

What kind of weapons does Jek-14 have?

Jek-14 did not possess any weapons. He owned special Phase II clone trooper armor, which was colored with red with a special visor. He also possessed a ship with an astromech droid. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

How did Jek 14 come out of the pod?

Jek-14 was born in 21 BBY on Kamino, cloned from the genetic template of bounty hunter Jango Fett. However, unlike average clones, Jek-14 was enhanced with four Kyber-crystals combined together and put into the formula which would infect an entire batch of clones making them Force-sensitive. Only Jek-14 came out of the pod.

What did Jek-14 do after the Civil War?

After the Jedi and Jek-14 hid the holocrons on Tatooine, Jek-14 returned to his quiet life. During the Galactic Civil War, Jek-14 assisted Luke Skywalker and his Rebel companions to recover the holocrons from Darth Vader and the Emperor again. He later assisted the Rebellion in moving their base from Yavin-4 to Hoth.

How big is the Lego Star Wars Jek 14?

The Jek 14 Stealth Starfighter is a Lego re-imagining of an existing Expanded Universe fighter, the New Republic E-Wing Space Superiority Fighter. The Jek 14 is a decent sized build and much larger than the picture would imply. Over 500 pieces and quite hefty.

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