What are the advantages of using a client server network over a peer-to-peer network?

What are the advantages of using a client server network over a peer-to-peer network?

The advantages of a client-server network are greater security of the network, more control e.g. network traffic passing through the network, being able to see what each computer is doing and limiting certain actions and preventing things such as viruses spreading, also the amount of data storage available to each …

What are the advantages and disadvantages of peer-to-peer and client server networks?

5. Peer-to-Peer Network: advantages and disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
Much easier to set up than a client-server network – does not need specialist knowledge Ensuring that viruses are not introduced to the network is the responsibility of each individual user

Which of the following is advantage of client server network?

The main advantage of client server network is the centralized control that it is integrated with. This is especially beneficial for the network administrator since they have the full control over management and administration. Whatever the problem that occurs in the entire network can be solved in one place.

Which is better client server or peer-to-peer?

In Client-Server Network, Centralized server is used to store the data. While in Peer-to-Peer Network, Each peer has its own data. Client-Server Network are more stable than Peer-to-Peer Network. While Peer-to-Peer Network are less stable if number of peer is increase.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a client server network?

3. Client-Server Network: advantages and disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
All files are stored in a central location A specialist network operating system is needed
Network peripherals are controlled centrally The server is expensive to purchase

What are the advantages of servers give at least 5?

A Server allows you to set up new computers, add users and deploy new applications more quickly and easily. A Server can help you present a more professional image to your customers. It enables you to run web services, manage web sites, create e-mail newsletters and exploit more sophisticated tools and applications.

What is client/server network advantages and disadvantages?

The server is expensive to purchase. Backups and network security is controlled centrally. Specialist staff such as a network manager is needed. Users can access shared data which is centrally controlled. If any part of the network fails a lot of disruption can occur.

What is the advantage of server based network?

A Server allows you to provide high-speed internet access across a network. A Server gives you more processing power. It ‘supercharges’ your network, storing large chunks of data, freeing up memory and enabling individual PCs to perform better.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of client server network?

3. Client-Server Network: advantages and disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
Backups and network security is controlled centrally Specialist staff such as a network manager is needed
Users can access shared data which is centrally controlled If any part of the network fails a lot of disruption can occur

What is the most important advantage of a client server architecture?

What is the most important advantage of a client-server architecture? a. The principal advantage of this model is that servers can be distributed across a network. General functionality (e.g., a printing service) can be available to all clients and does not need to be implemented by all services.

Why is the client server network more common than the peer-to-peer network in our current world?

There are an almost infinite variety of client/server networks, but all of them have a couple of things in common. Once logged on, users may access only those resources that the network administrator allows them to access. Thus, client/server networks possess much more security than do peer-to-peer networks.

What are the disadvantages of client server network?

Disadvantages of Client Server Computing If all the clients simultaneously request data from the server, it may get overloaded. This may lead to congestion in the network. If the server fails for any reason, then none of the requests of the clients can be fulfilled. This leads of failure of the client server network.

What are the advantages of client server networks?

Advantages of Client Server Networks over Peer to Peer Networks 1) Centralization : Unlike P2P, where there is no central administration, here in this architecture there is a centralized control. Servers help in administering the whole set-up.

Which is better a client or a peer to peer network?

Security is more advanced than a peer-to-peer network, you can have passwords to own individual profiles so that nobody can access anything when they want. All the data is stored onto the servers which generally have far greater security controls than most clients.

What are the disadvantages of client server architecture?

Disadvantages of Client Server Architecture v/s P-2-P Technology. 1) Congestion in Network :Too many requests from the clients may lead to congestion, which rarely takes place in P2P network.

Which is easier to set up P2P network or client server network?

P2P networks are much easier to set up and implement than client-server networks. This approach does not require advanced knowledge during the startup phase. As long as the user understands how to connect the terminal to the others that are in close proximity to the station, the peer to peer functionality becomes immediately achievable.

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