What is Thy1 promoter?

What is Thy1 promoter? “Neuron specific” mouse thy1 promoter has been used to drive “brain specific” forced expression of proteins e.g. mutated Amyloid precursor protein(APP) as transgenic animal models of Alzheimer’s disease. Thy-1 is only expressed on thymocytes in rats (contrast to thymocytes and splenocytes in mice). Which cells express Thy1? In humans, Thy-1 is […]

What does diarrhea cat poop look like?

What does diarrhea cat poop look like? Diarrhea is considered chronic if it continues or recurs over a period of three weeks or more. A healthy, “normal” cat poop is generally dark brown, firm (but not hard), and shaped like logs or nuggets. Moist logs or even a wet “flop” from time to time probably […]

Who played Superman in 1977?

Who played Superman in 1977? Christopher Reeve Cast Actor Role Marlon Brando Jor-El Gene Hackman Lex Luthor Christopher Reeve Clark Kent / Superman Margot Kidder Lois Lane Who was the very first Superman? George Reeves George Reeves (born George Keefer Brewer; January 5, 1914 – June 16, 1959) was an American actor. He is best […]

How do I update my Kenwood firmware?

How do I update my Kenwood firmware? Firmware Update Procedure Connect the “Update Media” to the CD/USB receiver. When the audio file starts playing or “NO MUSIC” appears, press the [MENU] button to enter menu mode. Connect the “Update Media” to the CD/USB receiver. • Does Kenwood DDX471HD have navigation? DDX471HD | Navigation and Multimedia […]

What is the definition of unsustained?

What is the definition of unsustained? : not sustained: such as. a obsolete : not physically sustained or supported. What is the synonym of sustained? Phrases Synonymous with sustain. live with, lump (it), stand for, tough it out. What is another word for unsustainable? What is another word for unsustainable? unmanageable unmaintainable unsuitable unfeasible unworkable […]

What are the main challenges of development?

What are the main challenges of development? The Challenges of Development Projects Poor project planning. Inadequate management skills. Lack of accountability. Lack of stakeholder involvement. Unrealistic plans. No measure to evaluate quality. Poor, inconsistent project management discipline. Duplication of efforts. What are the challenges of development in Africa? These endemic problems range from abject poverty, […]

How successful is glaucoma surgery for dogs?

How successful is glaucoma surgery for dogs? This procedure is estimated to control eye pressure in 60-70% of patients for a period of 6 months. Complications include post-operative pressure spikes, intraocular bleeding, significant uveitis (inflammation) and corneal ulcers. How much does glaucoma surgery cost for dogs? Diode Laser (for glaucoma treatment) This procedure must be […]

Is the iPhone 4s good in 2021?

Is the iPhone 4s good in 2021? The iPhone 4s does an excellent job with simple tasks. It doesn’t glitch, it launches apps quickly, and its camera is no worse than any cheap Xiaomi or Samsung. However, the lack of applications is still a decisive factor. iPhone 4s is not suitable as a temporary replacement […]

Is fruit facial good for skin?

Is fruit facial good for skin? Fruit facial has concentrates of fruits, that helps in deep cleansing of the skin. This lessens pigmentation, blotchiness from the face and helps skin tone. Fruit facials sustain the skin layers for shine and glow. It helps in reducing dark spots, dark imprints, pimple spots as well. How much […]

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