How much is the bus from Belfast to Dublin?

How much is the bus from Belfast to Dublin?

Bus services operate 22 direct buses per day and 154 direct buses per week from Belfast to Dublin. The journey takes around 2 hours and ticket price starts at 28 USD.

Can you pay card on a bus?

Look for the contactless symbol on your credit or debit card to see if your card is contactless enabled. Then, board a bus with the contactless symbol and instead of paying with cash, simply tap your card or contactless-enabled device onto the reader and wait for the beep.

Can I travel without a go card?

If you don’t have an Opal card or use contactless payments, you will need to get an Opal single trip ticket. Designed as a back up option, Opal single tickets are available for metro, train, bus, ferry and light rail.

What is Enterprise Plus Translink?

Enterprise First Plus Fully adjustable seats with advanced torso support, tinted windows with blinds, and extra legroom are also among the pleasant bonuses of first-class travel. The three-course menu depends on the time of your journey and divides into breakfast and lunch/dinner options served after 12 PM.

How much is the train fare from Belfast to Londonderry?

The journey takes around 2 hours and ticket price starts at 16 USD. To get from Belfast to Londonderry, you can take the direct train, which takes 2 hours. The train makes 14 stops on its way and ticket prices start at 16 USD. There are 14 direct trains to your destination per day and 101 trains per week.

Do all buses have contactless?

It works on all London buses (just about) To all intents and purposes, contactless credit/debit card payments will work on all 8,500 buses on the London network.

Is it cheaper to use contactless card or Oyster?

It’s publicised that if you use contactless to pay for travel in London, it’s the same price as using an Oyster card. Of course, if you have a railcard discount (or similar) applied to your Oyster, that will always be cheaper than contactless. Discounts cannot be applied to contactless payment cards.

What are the different types of Ulsterbus tickets?

Single Ticket – Travel between the TO and FROM stages selected- valid any day, any time. Day Return Ticket (Peak) – Travel between the TO and FROM stages selected for Ulsterbus/urby services within Northern Ireland valid any time, any day. When you buy a Day Return ticket it will be delivered to your phone as two separate single tickets.

Is the Ulsterbus off peak day ticket valid?

Day Return Ticket (Off Peak) – Travel between the TO and FROM stages only on selected Ulsterbus/urby services within Northern Ireland after 9.30a.m* valid any day. When you buy an Off Peak Day Return ticket it will be delivered to your phone as two separate single tickets.

Where can I top up my Ulsterbus travel card?

Ulsterbus and Goldline customers can top-up on their service (10 journeys only), or stations, at Smartlink Agents in the Greater Belfast Area, at the Metro Kiosk in Donegall Square West or at PayPoint Agents across Northern Ireland with 5, 10, 20 or 40 journeys.

What are the different types of TransLink tickets?

Singles – unlimited travel within specified zone (​inner, city and extended). Tickets automatically activate immediately after purchase. Day Ticket (Peak or Off-Peak travel available) – Unlimited travel for one day throughout the Metro and Glider network.

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