What does a transcription factor bind to?

What does a transcription factor bind to?

DNA promoter sequence
Some transcription factors bind to a DNA promoter sequence near the transcription start site and help form the transcription initiation complex. Other transcription factors bind to regulatory sequences, such as enhancer sequences, and can either stimulate or repress transcription of the related gene.

What does a transcription factor bind to first?

To start transcription, general transcription factors, such as TFIID, TFIIH, and others, must first bind to the TATA box and recruit RNA polymerase to that location.

What are the binding sites for transcription factors called?

Groups of transcription factor binding sites called enhancers and silencers can turn a gene on/off in specific parts of the body. Transcription factors allow cells to perform logic operations and combine different sources of information to “decide” whether to express a gene.

Do general transcription factors bind?

As a class of protein, general transcription factors bind to promoters along the DNA sequence or form a large transcription preinitiation complex to activate transcription. General transcription factors are necessary for transcription to occur.

What role does a transcription factor play?

Transcription factors are vital molecules in the control of gene expression, directly controling when, where and the degree to which genes are expressed. They bind to specific sequences of DNA and control the transcription of DNA into mRNA.

Where does an activator bind?

Most activators bind to the major grooves of the double helix, as these areas tend to be wider, but there are some that will bind to the minor grooves. Activator-binding sites may be located very close to the promoter or numerous base pairs away.

What happens if the TATA box is mutated?

Mutations in the TATA box region affects the binding of the TATA-binding protein (TBP) for transcription initiation, which may cause carriers to have a disease phenotype. Gastric cancer is correlated with TATA box polymorphism. The TATA box has a binding site for the transcription factor of the PG2 gene.

How long are transcription factor binding sites?

Typically, a TF binding site (TFBS) is 5 to 15 base pairs (bp) long within the promoter of its target gene and a TF protein usually can recognize a set of similar DNA sequences with varying degrees of binding affinity.

Is the TATA box a transcription factor?

The TATA-binding protein (TBP) is a general transcription factor that binds specifically to a DNA sequence called the TATA box. This DNA sequence is found about 30 base pairs upstream of the transcription start site in some eukaryotic gene promoters.

Which of the following events occur when TATA-binding protein binds to the DNA?

When the TATA-binding protein binds to the TATA sequence in DNA, the protein causes the DNA helix to bend. The kink that occurs is thought to signal assembly of the transcriptional complex and initiation of transcription. Binding leads to assembly of the rest of the transcription complex at the initiation site.

Do transcription factors bind to minor or major groove?

Mostly TFs binds to major groove of double stranded structure, unless TFs is a TATA box binding protein, which binds in minor groove.

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