What does caritas Australia do through Project Compassion?

What does caritas Australia do through Project Compassion?

For over 50 years, Project Compassion has been raising vital funds to help those facing poverty and injustice in our world. Your donation will help vulnerable families to build brighter futures for themselves.

Does caritas Run Project Compassion?

OVER 50 YEARS OF PROJECT COMPASSION Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s Annual Lenten fundraiser. Caritas Australia is Hope in Action. As the international aid and development agency of the Australian Catholic Church, we are driven by social justice and the dignity of every person.

Where is Project Compassion based?

Be more, and transform lives Jamila is a twenty-two year old single mother, living in the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. A Rohingya woman, she fled the armed conflict in Myanmar’s Rakhine State to save herself, her elderly mother and eight month old baby daughter.

What is the theme for Project Compassion 2021?

Held annually over the six weeks of Lent, Project Compassion raises awareness and funds to address poverty and promote justice across the world. Inspired by the St Oscar Romero quote ‘Aspire not to have more, but to be more’, the Project Compassion theme for 2021 is ‘Be more’.

What does Caritas do through compassion?

At a time of such upheaval and challenge across the globe, possibly the greatest world-wide challenges since the inception of Project Compassion, Caritas Australia encourages all Australians to ‘Be More’ this year to help vulnerable communities.

What services do Project Compassion provide?

Project Compassion has also been vital in helping Caritas Australia to support communities long-term – before, during and after emergencies – through access to education, jobs, health services, agricultural training, domestic abuse support and programs reducing maternal and infant mortality.

What projects are Caritas involved in?

We work to end poverty and promote justice in countries throughout Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific, and the Middle East. Our work tackles global issues like food and water insecurity, national disaster readiness and gender-based violence.

Is Caritas a Catholic Organisation?

Inspired by Catholic faith, Caritas is the helping hand of the Church – reaching out to the poor, vulnerable and excluded, regardless of race or religion, to build a world based on justice and fraternal love.

How Much Is compassion a month?

How much does it cost to sponsor a child through Compassion? Sponsoring a child costs $38 a month. It’s a significant commitment, but the incredible difference it makes in the life of a child is invaluable.

Is Caritas a religious order?

What happens when you stop sponsoring a child?

About Child SponsorshipBack to Top. If I must discontinue my child sponsorship, what happens to the child I’m helping? If you need to discontinue your child sponsorship, we will immediately look for a new sponsor for your child and continue the child’s sponsorship support without interruption.

Does sponsoring a child really work?

Does Sponsorship Actually Work? Yes, sponsorship works. In fact, a poll of top development economists, rated child sponsorship as the most effective long-term development intervention for helping the poor.

What does Project Compassion do for Caritas Australia?

Project Compassion has also been vital in helping Caritas Australia to support communities long-term – before, during and after emergencies – through access to education, jobs, health services, agricultural training, domestic abuse support and programs reducing maternal and infant mortality.

How long has Project Compassion been in Australia?

For over half a century, Project Compassion, an initiative of Caritas Australia, has raised funds to support people living in poverty around the world. Since its inception in 1965, generations of compassionate Australians have participated in Project Compassion, making it one of the nation’s longest running charity campaigns.

Who is the CEO of Caritas Australia?

For many Australians, including Caritas Australia’s CEO Kirsty Robertson, Project Compassion’s iconic collection boxes have become a nostalgic part of their lives – a visible reminder around the home, school, church and community – that it’s that time of year to support Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten appeal.

What was the theme of Project Compassion 2019?

Project Compassion’s 2019 theme of “Hope” centres on six stories that profile Caritas’ life-changing development work in communities across the globe. The stories come from Zimbabwe, Indonesia, the Solomon Islands, Australia, Bangladesh and Vietnam.


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