What is the meaning of NAPEP?

What is the meaning of NAPEP?

National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) is a 2001 program by the Nigerian government addressing poverty in Nigeria and related issues. It was designed to replace the Poverty Alleviation Program.

What is the objective of NAPEP?

National poverty eradication programme (NAPEP) came on board to alleviate and eradicate poverty in Nigeria. Its aims are to eradicate poverty through by touching the lives of rural dwellers and urban populace in Nigeria.

Who introduced NAPEP?

Obasanjo Administration
The Abacha Administration established the Community Bank and Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF). The two programmes were targeted at reducing poverty from the polity, whether absolute or relative. During the democratic dispensation, in 2001, the Obasanjo Administration created NAPEP.

Who is the head of National Poverty Eradication Programme?

President Muhammadu Buhari Tuesday in Abuja inaugurated National Steering Committee (NSC) of the National Poverty Reduction with Growth Strategy (NPRGS) to be chaired by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, reiterating his commitment to lifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty in ten years, with a well-researched …

When was Nigeria needs established?

It was in a bid to encapsulate all these strategies and economic programmes in one fold that in March, 2004 that the government of the day institutionalized the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS) to become the operational mechanism that would drive the economy at the Federal level for a …

What is the full meaning of seeds?

SEEDS. State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy. Community » Development.

What is Operation Feed the Nation in Nigeria?

Operation Feed the Nation was a national agricultural extension and mobilization program instituted by the military government of Nigeria in 1976 as a measure to achieve self sufficiency in food crop production and inspire a new generation to return to farming.

Who created poverty eradication program?

NAPC was created by virtue of Republic Act 8425, otherwise known as the “Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act,” which took effect on 30 June 1998. NAPC is one of the 12 agencies, formerly from the Office of the President which was placed under the supervision of the Cabinet Secretary, based on Executive Order No.

What is pepon Nigeria all about?

POVERTY ERADICATION PROGRAMME OF NIGERIA REGISTRATION. An average Nigerian lives on less than N1,000 a day. PEPON is here to save Nigeria from Poverty. We are empowering Nigerians, most especially the Nigerian youths.

What is the full meaning of seeds in Nigeria?

Definition. SEEDS. Sarvodaya Economic Enterprise Development Services. SEEDS. State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (Nigeria) Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy.

What does the term nappe mean in geology?

Nappe, in geology, large body or sheet of rock that has been moved a distance of about 2 km (1.2 miles) or more from its original position by faulting or folding. A nappe may be the hanging wall of a low-angle thrust fault (a fracture in the rocks of the Earth’s crust caused by contraction), or it may be a large recumbent fold ( i.e.,…

What was the impact of NAPEP in Nigeria?

Specifically, NAPEPs major objective has been to ensure that Nigerians have access to portable water, food, clothing, shelter, primary healthcare facilities, education and recreational facilities and within the period under review the federal government claimed that poverty had been reduced by fifty percent with the activities of NAPEP.

Which is an example of an eroded nappe?

Elsewhere, an eroded, isolated remnant of the older rock or nappe may be completely surrounded by the younger, underlying rock; this is known as a klippe, or thrust outlier. Mythen Peak in the Alps in a typical example of a klippe. People Are Talking About

Where are nappes found in the Early Cretaceous?

The ophiolite nappes (i.e., thrust sheets) are major sources of chromite deposits. Also in the Early Cretaceous a small sliver of continental crust that now forms much of southwestern Sumatra rifted from northwestern Australia.

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