How do I redirect stdout to syslog?

How do I redirect stdout to syslog?

An easy way to redirect all stdout/stderr of a given process to syslog is to do the following in a bash script:

  1. exec 1> >(logger -t MYTAG) 2>&1.
  2. exec 2> >(logger -t MYTAG)
  3. #!/bin/bash exec 1> >(logger -t YADIYADA) 2>&1 exec /PATH/TO/APP.

What is syslog port?

Syslog, is a standardized way (or Protocol) of producing and sending Log and Event information from Unix/Linux and Windows systems (which produces Event Logs) and Devices (Routers, Firewalls, Switches, Servers, etc) over UDP Port 514 to a centralized Log/Event Message collector which is known as a Syslog Server.

Does syslog use UDP or TCP?

Syslog is originally designed to work over UDP, which can transmit a huge amount of data within the same network with minimal packet loss. However, telco operators prefer to transmit syslog data over TCP, because they need reliable, ordered data transmission between networks.

Is there a way to send output to syslog?

An alternative approach would be to use helper functions for logging: This way we get our normal terminal output via the shell’s own stdout and stderr, but we can still send messages to syslog and tag them with appropriate priorities (we can also fancy up our terminal output with timestamps and colours if we want to).

How to redirect stdout and stderr to different processes?

The first part ( echo info; >&2 echo critical )simulate a program that output both on stdout and stderr. The trick with 2>&3come from that answer, to be able to output stdout and stderr to different processes.

What does it mean to have a syslog daemon?

Per Wikipedia, Syslog is a standard for computer message logging. In practice, this means that on any Unix-like system there will be a daemon running that will accept syslog messages, storing them in a central repository.

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