What are directed enhanced services?

What are directed enhanced services?

DESs (directed enhanced services) are nationally agreed and have to be offered to all GP practices in England. Practices can decide whether they sign up to a DES or not, but they must be offered the opportunity to do so. Any updates to DESs are announced with the outcomes of the national GP contract negotiations.

What counts as minor surgery?

By definition, minor surgeries are surgeries performed without general anesthesia or respiratory assistance. Most will be performed using an injected anesthetic or topical cream anesthetic applied to the site of the procedure.

Can GP perform minor surgery?

The advantage of having your minor surgery performed by your GP is the convenience of choosing a time that suits you, and performed at your known and trusted clinic. Some procedures can be done on the same day as the consultation, meaning a reduced time off work.

What is a Les NHS?

National Contract Enhanced Services (LES) – NHS East Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group.

Is the PCN a Des?

PCNs are formed via sign up to the Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) Contract Specification 2020/21, which was first introduced on 1 July 2019 and sets out core requirements and entitlements for a PCN.

What is an enhancing service?

Enhancing services are services that are added to a core service to make it more exciting or enticing to the customer. Enhancing services are not essential to thedelivery of a core service and are added to a core service as’excitement’ factors, which will encourage customers to use the core service more.

What kind of surgery takes 12 hours?

This is known as a long format surgery, which may take anywhere from 6-12 hours in duration. Most often we recommend long format plastic surgeries for either Pan Facial Rejuvenation, Facial Masculinization, or Facial Feminization.

What minor surgery can GPS do?

Know the key principles of the following procedures in the GP setting: Removing a seborrhoeic wart by curettage and chemical cautery. Removing a sebaceous cyst by elliptical excision. Removing a naevus by shave excision.

What is choice and booking Enhanced services Administration?

Choose and Book is a secure, electronic service, provided by the NHS, which allows you to choose a hospital or clinic and book an appointment at a date and time that is convenient for you.

How many PCNs are there?

1,250 PCNs
Each of the 1,250 PCNs across England are based on GP registered patient lists, typically serving natural communities of between 30,000 to 50,000 people (with some flexibility).

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