What is special about aryabhatta?

What is special about aryabhatta?

Aryabhata became famous as a mathematician and astronomer. In his only surviving work, Aryabhatiya, he covered a wide range of topics, such as extracting square roots, solving quadratic equations, and predicting eclipses.

What is the greatest contribution of aryabhatta?

Aryabhatta is among the mathematicians who brought new deductions and theories in mathematics and astronomy. His contribution to the mathematics is unmatched and cannot be ignored, as he was the one who deduced the approximate value of pi, which he found it to be 3.14.

Who is the father of math?

Archimedes is considered the father of mathematics because of his notable inventions in mathematics and science. He was in the service of King Hiero II of Syracuse. At that time, he developed many inventions. Archimedes made out a pulley system designed to help the sailors move objects up and down that are weighty.

Who was brilliant in mathematics?

Euler and Newton are considered as the best mathematicians. Gauss, Weierstrass and Riemann are considered as the best theorist. Archimedes is often considered as the greatest mathematical genius who ever lived.

Which book is written by aryabhatta?

The Āryabhaṭīya of Āryabhaṭa: An Ancient Indian Work on Mathematics and Astronomy
Aryabhata is the author of several treatises on mathematics and astronomy, some of which are lost. His major work, Aryabhatiya, a compendium of mathematics and astronomy, was extensively referred to in the Indian mathematical literature and has survived to modern times.

Who is aryabhatta and what did he do?

Aryabhatta (476–550 CE) was the first of the major mathematician-astronomers from the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy. His works include the Aryabhattya (499 CE, when he was 23 years old) and the Arya-siddhanta.

What was conceived by aryabhatta?

George Ifrah, a French Mathematician stated that the concept and understanding of zero as a ‘digit’ was first given by Aryabhata in his place value system because the counting system of digits is not possible without the place value system or zero.

What is aryabhatta formula?

#6 He made incredibly accurate calculations of the length of the day and the year. Aryabhata calculated the circumference of the Earth as 39,968 kilometers while the actual circumference is 40,075 kilometers. Thus Aryabhatta’s value of the size of the earth is only 0.2% smaller than the actual size.

What 3 things did aryabhata discover?


Notable ideas Explanation of lunar eclipse and solar eclipse, rotation of Earth on its axis, reflection of light by moon, sinusoidal functions, solution of single variable quadratic equation, value of π correct to 4 decimal places, diameter of Earth, calculation of the length of sidereal year

Was Archimedes Greek or Italian?

Archimedes, (born c. 287 bce, Syracuse, Sicily [Italy]—died 212/211 bce, Syracuse), the most famous mathematician and inventor in ancient Greece. Archimedes is especially important for his discovery of the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and its circumscribing cylinder.

Who are some famous mathematicians related to Aryabhata?

The Arya-siddhanta, a lost work on astronomical computations, is known through the writings of Aryabhata’s contemporary, Varahamihira, and later mathematicians and commentators, including Brahmagupta and Bhaskara I.

How did Aryabhata introduce himself to the world?

Introduction of Aryabhatta to the world happened through his remarkable work in the field of mathematics and astronomy. Aryabhata is one of the most renowned Indian Mathematicians, in fact, one of the firsts.

How old was Aryabhatta when he was born?

Sixty times sixty years means 3600 years; it corresponds to 499 AD. It follows that Aryabhatta was born in 476 AD. There is no biography or pictures available of Aryabhatta or for that matter of any Indian astronomer or Mathematician.

How old was Aryabhata when he died in Kusumapura?

Aryabhata died a successful mathematician, astronomer and a scientist at the age of 74. The place and time of death are still unknown. It was believed he spent most of his life in Kusumapura, Pataliputra. The contributions of a scientist since Aryabhata has never been the same.

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