Can conjunctivitis make a cat go blind?

Can conjunctivitis make a cat go blind?

Left untreated, conjunctivitis can lead to eye damage, vision loss and blindness. Eye infections can be caused by injuries to the eye, or foreign objects in the eye (eg, dirt, sand).

Is conjunctivitis sight threatening?

‘Conjunctivitis is common, but is only rarely sight threatening’ Health education: People should not instill anything in their eyes that has not been prescribed for them, and they should throw away eye drops after the bottle has been open for one month or more.

What happens if you leave conjunctivitis untreated in cats?

If left untreated, some of the underlying causes of conjunctivitis in cats could eventually lead to more serious eye problems including blindness. While many causes of conjunctivitis are treatable, don’t delay in speaking to a vet.

How serious is cat conjunctivitis?

Although cat conjunctivitis varies in terms of severity from mild cases to serious instances of cat eye infection, blindness is generally a very rare consequence for this type of condition. However, don’t delay contacting your vet if you notice any of the symptoms of cat conjunctivitis.

How do you know if a cat is going blind?

The signs that your cat has become visually impaired may be quite obvious. The animal may, for example, start bumping into furniture, trip as it climbs up or down a flight of stairs, or appear to have trouble finding its litter box or food bowl.

Which is a serious form of conjunctivitis?

Ophthalmia neonatorum is a severe form of bacterial conjunctivitis that occurs in newborn babies. This is a serious condition that could lead to permanent eye damage if it is not treated immediately. Ophthalmia neonatorum occurs when an infant is exposed to chlamydia or gonorrhea while passing through the birth canal.

What are the complications of conjunctivitis?


  • a severe case of allergic conjunctivitis can lead to scarring in the eye.
  • in cases of infective conjunctivitis, the infection can spread to other areas of the body, triggering more serious secondary infections, such as meningitis.

Should I take my cat to the vet for conjunctivitis?

In severe cases, the conjunctival tissue or the third eyelid may be so swollen that it may partially or fully cover the eye. If your cat exhibits any of these signs, she should be examined by your veterinarian immediately.

What does blind cat look like?

In a blind cat the pupils are usually very large and do not contract down to the normal slits in bright light. If you have noticed a recent colour change in one or both of your cat’s eyes, you should take your cat to your vet to have an eye examination.

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