What is Item category inventory?

What is Item category inventory?

You can use categories and category sets to group your items for various reports and programs. A category is a logical classification of items that have similar characteristics. A category set is a distinct grouping scheme and consists of categories.

What is item attributes in Oracle Inventory?

Item attributes are information about an item, such as order cost, lead time, and revision control. One of the prerequisites for defining items (and assigning values to item attributes) is setting attribute controls.

What is item type in Oracle Apps?

The User Item Type item attribute is a QuickCode you use when you define an item. You can use the types provided by Oracle Inventory or create your own.

What is the difference between item organization and inventory organization?

Item Organizations: An organization structure that does not have dependencies on business units or legal entities. Inventory Organizations: An organization structure that requires business units and legal entities.

What are the different categories of items?

What are the four classifications of products?

  • Convenience goods.
  • Shopping goods.
  • Specialty goods.
  • Unsought goods.

What is an item category?

An item category is used to define if an item is suitable for billing or pricing. It defines the additional control functions for a sales document. Example − A standard item function is totally different from the function of a free of charge item or a text item.

What is Item Master?

An item master is a record of all the key information about a particular item of inventory. This could include the date of manufacture, a short description of the inventory item, its dimensions (size, weight etc.), its cost, as well as information about current stock levels.

What is Item Master organization in Oracle Apps?

You define items in one organization. To distinguish it from others, we call it the Item Master organization. Other organizations (child organizations) refer to the Item Master for item definition. After you define an item in the Item Master, you can assign it to any number of other organizations.

What are item types?

Item types define the contents of an item and the information that is stored about an item. Users with the appropriate privileges can create an item type. The information stored about an item is determined by the attributes of the item type.

What is expense items Oracle Apps?

Expenses Items: The expense items are Assets, services, Projects, consumables (Office Stationery), etc. You cannot define an item as an expense and an inventory at the same time. But you can define the items as inventory items.

What is Item class in Oracle Fusion?

Item classes are created at the root item class or within a parent item class, and inherit values based on selections made when defining the item class. For Product Hub customers, the Manage Item Classes task is used to create and manage item classes, user defined attributes and data security.

What is Item Master organization?

How to create a template in Oracle inventory?

Navigate to the Master Item window. Select the Folder tab on the Master Item window. In the Default From region, select Template or Item. Enter the template or item to copy, or select the item or template from the list of values. Enter a unique designator for the item.

How to set item attributes in Oracle inventory?

Choose the Select All button or select individual attributes. Click Apply to apply the attribute values to the item across all organizations in the organization hierarchy where the item exists. You should see the updated value. Note: The item attributes that you can view are set at the organization level.

When to use an item organization in Oracle?

An item organization defines an item when inventory balances are not stored and inventory storage or inventory movement is not reflected in the Oracle Applications Cloud. For example, you would use an item organization in a retail scenario, if you need to

How to define the inventory parameters in Oracle?

To define inventory parameters Navigate to the Organization Parameters window. Select the Inventory Parameters tab. Enter an organization code. Select an Item Master organization. Select a workday calendar. Optionally, select a demand class.

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