What is Section 163a of motor vehicle Act?

What is Section 163a of motor vehicle Act?

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in any other law for the time being in force or instrument having the force of law, the owner of the motor vehicle or the authorised insurer shall be liable to pay in the case of death or permanent disablement due to accident arising out of the use of motor vehicle.

What is the section 179 motor vehicle Act?

(1) Whoever wilfully disobeys any direction lawfully given by any person or authority empowered under this Act to give such direction, or obstructs any person or authority in the discharge of any functions which such person or authority is required or empowered under this Act to discharge, shall, if no other penalty is …

How do you calculate compensation under the motor vehicle Act?

If compensation payable under Section 164 is accepted by the victim or his legal heirs, no further compensation can be claimed by them….

Age of the deceased Future prospects of a deceased having permanent job with increments Future Prospects of deceased who was self –employed/ fixed salaried
Above 60 years Nil Nil

What is compensation under motor vehicle Act?

A claim for compensation may be made to a claim adjudicating body having authority over the area in which the accident took place or to the MACT within whose administration the Claimant lives, at the option of the claimant. An application for insurance must be made within ideally 6 months of the date of the incident.

What is Section 166 of the Motor Act 1988?

In simple words, Section 166 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 includes provisions for who all can apply for compensation in the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal(MACT) in case they get involved with a road accident.

How many sections are there in Motor Vehicles Act?

18 sections
It had 18 sections, and gave local governments the responsibility of registering and licensing vehicles and motorists, and enforcing regulations. It was replaced by the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939, which came into force in 1940.

What is the fine under Section 201 of MVA 2019?

(1) Whoever keeps a disabled vehicle on any public place, in such a manner, so as to cause impediment to the free flow of traffic, shall be liable for penalty up to fifty rupees per hour, so long as it remains in that position: Provided that the vehicle involved in accidents shall be liable for penalty only from the …

What is Section 192 A of MV Act?

(1) Whoever drives a motor vehicle or causes or allows a motor vehicle to be used in contravention of the provisions of section 39 shall be punishable for the first offence with a fine which may extend to five thousand rupees but shall not be less than two thousand rupees for a second or subsequent offence with …

What are the four types of compensation?

The Four Major Types of Direct Compensation: Hourly, Salary, Commission, Bonuses. When asking about compensation, most people want to know about direct compensation, particularly base pay and variable pay.

What is Section 166 of Motor Vehicle Act?

In which section the provision for compensation in hit and run case is given?

Section 161
Section 161 in Motor Vehicles Act – Special provisions as to compensation in case of hit and run motor accident – www.IndianLawsInfo.com.

What kind of damages are awarded under section 166 of the motor vehicle Act 1988?

In cases involving total or partial disablement, the term ‘compensation’ used in Section 166 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (for short, ‘the Act’) would include not only the expenses incurred for immediate treatment, but also the amount likely to be incurred for future medical treatment/care necessary for a particular …

What does section 163A of Motor Vehicle Act mean?

The deceased was driving a motorcycle. An accident occurred on account of rash and negligent driving by another motorcycle. The appellants filed a claim petition before the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, under Section 163A of the Motor Vehicles Act (hereinafter referred to as the Act).

Can a third party maintain a claim under section 163A?

The claim petition under Section 163A of the Act against the owner and insurance company of the vehicle shall not be maintainable. The deceased has to be a third party and cannot maintain a claim under Section 163A of the Act against the owner/insurer of the vehicle which is borrowed by him as he will be in the shoes of the owner.

What is the purpose of Section 164A of the Act?

164A. (1) The Central Government, may make schemes for the provision of interim relief to claimants praying for compensation under this Chapter.

What are the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Amendment Act 2019?

(11) Any scheme framed under sub-section (3) of section 161, as it stood immediately before the commencement of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019, shall be discontinued and all rights and liabilities accruing thereunder shall be met out of the Fund with effect from the date of commencement of this Act. 164C.

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