Who is responsible for Muzaffarnagar riots?

Who is responsible for Muzaffarnagar riots?

The Justice Vishnu Sahai commission, which made an enquiry into the 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots, blamed members of the SP and the BJP for being involved in the violence. The commission also blamed senior police and administrative officials for errors which led to the escalation of the violence.

How many died in Muzaffarnagar riots?

60 deaths
Muzaffarnagar riots: Charges to be framed against ex-UP minister, 9 others. The clashes between the Hindu and Muslim communities in the Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh in 2013 had resulted in more than 60 deaths and the displacement of over 40,000 people.

When did Muzaffarnagar riots start?

August 27, 2013
2013 Muzaffarnagar riots/Start dates
As a result, villages across Shamli and Muzaffarnagar districts were engulfed in violence beginning 27 August 2013. By the end of the riots, 62 people had died, seven women had alleged they were raped, over 60,000 people had been displaced and several continue to be missing to date.

How many riots are in India?

The National Crime Records Bureau, in its annual report titled “Crime in India 2020,” said 857 cases of communal or religious rioting were registered in the country in the last year. This is up from 438 in 2019 and 512 in 2018, the report stated.

Who started 1993 riots?

From 8 January 1993, many riots occurred between Hindus led by the Shiv Sena and Muslims potentially funded by the Bombay underworld at that time.

Which state has most riots in India?

The Indian state of Kerala had about 10 riot cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 2020. This was followed by the northern state of Haryana, with over eight cases per 100 thousand inhabitants in the state.

What is Muzaffarnagar famous for?

About muzaffarnagar Muzaffarnagar is an old city in the state of Uttar Pradesh, which is famous for its sugar industry, paper mills and steel rolling mills. According to historians, earlier it was known as Sarwat which was gifted by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to one of his chieftains Muzaffar Khan.

Which state has highest riots in India?

Why did the Bombay riots occur?

The riots were mainly due to escalations of hostilities after large scale protests by Muslims in reaction to the 1992 Babri Masjid Demolition by Hindu Karsevaks in Ayodhya; and by Hindu mobs in regards with the Ram Temple issue.

What was the cause of the 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots?

Clashes between two communities, Hindu Jats and Muslims, in Shamli and Muzaffarnagar grew on 27 August 2013. The original cause of the rioting is disputed according to bipartisan claims largely concerning the affected communities. In this case, the cause of this rioting alternates between a traffic accident…

What was the Supreme Court verdict on Muzaffarnagar riots?

Indeed, on 26 March 2014, the Supreme Court itself has severely castigated the UP Government for its handling of the riots and the post riot situation. However, IndiaFacts has managed to access a report that gives the exact picture of the Muzaffarnagar riots in detail, together with pictures shot on the spot.

Is there any communal violence in Muzaffarpur after independence?

S ignificantly, at least post-Independence, Muzaffarpur has remained almost absolutely free from communal violence. Only those parts of Muzaffarpur, which now constitute the districts of Sitamarhi and Sheohar, had seen major communal violence post-Independence.

Who was the SSP in the Muzaffarnagar riots?

Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Manjul Saini and District Magistrate (DM) Surendra Saini reached the spot. Action was taken immediately and seven culprits were arrested. The police also recovered bloodstained clothes from neighbouring houses. However, the Government immediately transferred the SSP and the DM and released the culprits.

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