What is the architecture of 8051 microcontroller?

What is the architecture of 8051 microcontroller?

8051 microcontroller is designed by Intel in 1981. It is an 8-bit microcontroller. It is built with 40 pins DIP (dual inline package), 4kb of ROM storage and 128 bytes of RAM storage, 2 16-bit timers. It consists of are four parallel 8-bit ports, which are programmable as well as addressable as per the requirement.

What are microcontroller architectures?

A microcontroller is essentially a small computer on a chip. Like any computer, it has memory, and can be programmed to do calculations, receive input, and generate output. Unlike a PC, it incorporates memory, a CPU, peripherals and I/O interfaces into a single chip.

What is the function of 8051 microcontroller?

Microcontroller 8051 contains code memory or program memory 4K so which has 4KB Rom and it also comprises data memory (RAM) of 128 bytes. Fundamentally Bus is a group of wires which function as a communication canal or means for the transfer of Data. These buses comprise 8, 16, or more cables.

What are the blocks in microcontroller 8051?

We can drive 8051 also using the external clock sources. So to use external clock sources, there are XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins in the microcontroller. 8051 has four 8-bit IOports called Port0, Port1, Port2 and Port3….Functional blocks of Intel 8051.

Pin Numbers Description
20 It is GND (Ground) pin of the microcontroller. It is related to the power supply.

What are the components of 8051 Microcontroller?

An 8051 microcontroller has the following 12 major components:

  • ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit)
  • PC (Program Counter)
  • Registers.
  • Timers and counters.
  • Internal RAM and ROM.
  • Four general purpose parallel input/output ports.
  • Interrupt control logic with five sources of interrupt.
  • Serial date communication.

How many timer is 8051?

two timers
The 8051 has two timers, Timer 0 and Timer 1. They can be used as timers or as event counters. Both Timer 0 and Timer 1 are 16-bit wide.

Why 8051 Microcontroller is mostly used?

The 8051 IP cores are free to use. They are smaller and consume less power than 32 bit ARM cores. There is a large community of people who are familiar with the architecture. These are just some of the reasons why the 8051 is still popular.

What are the major components of 8051 Microcontroller?

Is 8051 an architecture?

8051 Microcontroller Architecture and Block Diagram with Applications. The 8051 Microcontroller is one of the basic type of microcontroller, designed by Intel in 1980’s. This microcontroller was based on Harvard Architecture and developed primarily for use in embedded systems technology.

What are the components of 8051 microcontroller?

How many ports are there in 8051 microcontroller?

4 I
8051 microcontrollers have 4 I/O ports each of 8-bit, which can be configured as input or output. Hence, total 32 input/output pins allow the microcontroller to be connected with the peripheral devices.

How many modes are there in 8051?

In 8051 There are six types of addressing modes.

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