What is the name of the drum machine that was a collaboration between Dave Smith and Roger Linn?

What is the name of the drum machine that was a collaboration between Dave Smith and Roger Linn?

The Tempest
The Tempest from Dave Smith Instruments is a collaboration between Dave Smith and Roger Linn. Dave Smith is the mastermind behind the Sequential Circuits Prophet 5, MIDI, and the current DSI range.

What is the name of the dsi drum machine?

The DSI Tempest drum machine utilizes analog synthesis to generate the sounds. Tempest’s 16 velocity- and pressure-sensitive pads are arranged in an 8 x 2 array to facilitate both real-time and step entry of beats.

What is a tempest instrument?

Created by Grammy-winning instrument designers Dave Smith & Roger Linn, Tempest is a powerful drum machine that generates its sounds using six highly versatile analog synthesis voices with both waveform and sample sources, and features an innovative, performance-oriented operating system that permits the creation.

How many drum pads does Dave Smith use?

Even if you’ve never touched one of Dave Smith’s recent synths, it shouldn’t be long before you feel at home. Turning to the drum pads, the Tempest’s main performance area is divided into two rows of eight pads, plus two ribbons with adjacent LED runways.

How big is the Dave Smith Instruments Tempest?

Weighty and compact, at just 39cm x 22.5cm, the Tempest is a quantum leap in style past the earlier prototypes. Although well supplied with knobs, encoders and buttons, it’s the small, clear OLED display that instantly catches the eye.

Who is the creator of the Dave Smith Tempest?

In 2011, famed engineers Dave Smith and Roger Linn collaborated to release the Dave Smith Instruments Tempest, a hybrid analog and digital drum machine and drum synthesizer. The Tempest combines the best of DSI synth technology, the LinnDrum’s design, and the Akai MPC60’s soft pads and sample manipulation.

How many voices does a Tempest drum machine have?

It’s a professional drum machine that generates its sounds using six powerful analog synthesis voices, and uses an innovative, performance-oriented operating system that permits an extraordinary level of control to create, edit, arrange, and manipulate beats in real time without ever stopping.

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