Why does the Denver airport horse have red eyes?

Why does the Denver airport horse have red eyes?

In the last seven years, the airport’s electrical team has only changed them just twice, Donohoe and her colleagues explained. Those red eyes though, that people point to as evidence of Mustang’s demonic nature, are actually a tribute to the artist’s father. Jiménez was born in El Paso, Texas in 1940.

Is the blue Mustang still at Denver airport?

The name Blucifer was bestowed upon Jiménez’s sculpture by locals shortly after its unveiling. Thus, Blue Mustang is here to stay. He might have even grown on residents more regularly at the airport who would be put off by his ceaseless gaze and could seek to uproot him.

Is there a blue horse?

Although no one has real evidence that blue horses exist, there are many tales of sightings across the region from legions of true believers. Legend has it that a horse called “Big Lex” turned blue from grazing in nourishing bluegrass pastures his entire life.

When did Dia open?

February 28, 1995

Denver International Airport
Location Northeast Denver, Colorado, U.S.
Opened February 28, 1995
Hub for Frontier Airlines United Airlines
Focus city for Southwest Airlines

Who made Blucifer?

Luis Jiménez
Blue Mustang/Artists

Are blue roan horses real?

Blue roans are always roan at birth, though they can appear to be born solid black and then shed their baby coat to reveal their roan color. Often, the term roan is miss-attributed to horses that are not actually roans, but, rather, have patterns that are considered to be “roaning”.

How did the demon horse of Denver die?

It has also come to represent death, destruction, and deluded debates. Blucifer hadn’t even been unveiled when the bad vibes began — in 2006, Jimenez died after a section of the 9,000-pound sculpture fell on him and severed an artery in his leg.

Where is the Blue Horse statue in Denver?

This giant blue horse statue is what you see when driving in and out of the Denver International Airport. It has a creepy vibe with a demonic stance and glowing red eyes, not to mention the chilling history behind it. Read on as we share about the history of Blucifer and the story of how it came to be one of the creepiest icons in Colorado.

What’s the story of the Blue Mustang in Denver?

Officially named “Blue Mustang,” but often called “Blucifer,” due largely to its haunting red eye, the story behind this horse sculpture is an interesting one. Originally imagined to be a pull-off for travelers, this piece of art was commissioned for Denver International Airport in 1993.

What’s the name of the horse at Denver Airport?

Denverites colloquially know this mighty equine as “Blucifer.” Some love it, some hate it, some love to hate it and many more are curious about it. Officially, the artwork’s name is “ Mustang ,” and the piece is a point of pride for the airport.

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