What is the answer to number 3 on the impossible quiz?

What is the answer to number 3 on the impossible quiz?

The answer to this question is “Fine”, the only one of the options written the right way up, which makes sense since if you read the question upside-down, “Fine” is the only option that looks upside-down from that perspective.

What is the hardest question in impossible quiz?

Question 110
Question 110 from the Impossible Quiz is the final question in the game, and the tenth and last one of The Epic 10 questions. It is a 10-second bomb question and features a task that may be either extremely easy or completely impossible to complete, depending on how you have played the whole quiz to this point.

What is the answer to 42 in the impossible quiz?

ccd==Explanation== The answer is the 42nd 42 (triva: this is a reference to the book “Hitchicker’s guide to the galaxy” that says that the answer for life, universe and everything is 42.)

What is the answer to question 71 on the impossible quiz?

Question 71 of The Impossible Quiz only has “Oh, Christ…” written on the upper part. Below are the usual four option boxes, fully coloured but without anything written on them. Essentially, they’re all coloured in red, but they will all flash in green for roughly third a second in a clockwise-rotating fashion.

Which is the world’s hardest question?

The hardest question ever asked: What is truth?

  • Science is based on the correspondence theory of truth, which claims that truth corresponds with facts and reality.
  • Various philosophers have put forth substantive challenges to the truth claims made by science.

How do you solve the impossible game?

The rules are simple: you’re given three lives, and you’ll lose one with every mistake you make. Losing all lives will cause a Game Over. You must beat all 110 questions of the game in a single take, no checkpoints in-between.

How do you pass level 43 on the impossible quiz?

The correct answer is “Tom Cruise”, since the question’s referencing the movie “Jerry Maguire”, whose titular character was portrayed by Tom Cruise.

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