How can you tell a real Trumeau mirror?

How can you tell a real Trumeau mirror?

A trumeau is a mirror that has a painted or carved panel above or below the glass in the same frame. In architecture, it is a column supporting a tympanum of a doorway at the center.

What is a french trumeau mirror?

Trumeau mirrors (pronounced troo-MO) are set in tall wooden frames with a large section of painted or sculptural decoration at the top. In French, trumeau is the word for the thin section of wall between two doors or windows. The word was first used to describe a mirror on that section of wall in the early 1700s.

What is the meaning of Trumeau?

1 : a central pillar supporting the tympanum of a large doorway especially in a medieval building. 2 : an overmantel treatment of 18th century France consisting of a pier glass surmounted by an oil painting or decorative often carved panel.

What’s a pier mirror?

A pier glass or trumeau mirror is a mirror which is placed on a pier, i.e. a wall between two windows supporting an upper structure. It is therefore generally of a long and tall shape to fit the space. A console table typically stood below the pier glass.

What is a Trumeau in art?

How do you spell Trumeau?

noun, plural tru·meaux [troo-mohz; French try-moh]. a mirror having a painted or carved panel above or below the glass in the same frame.

What is special about the pier glass?

A pier glass is usually placed in the wall between two large windows. It is used as a camouflage device and a decorative piece to cover the mass of masonry constituting the piers in the wall between two large windows.

Why are they called pier mirrors?

A pier mirror, or pier glass, is a large mirror designed to fit on the wall space between two windows. They were often designed to hang above a pier table — that is, a table supported by a single pier or column. Hence the name.

What is a Trumeau in a church?

A trumeau is the central pillar or mullion supporting the tympanum of a large doorway, commonly found in medieval buildings.

What does Trumeau mean in French?

What does the word jambs mean?

1 : an upright piece or surface forming the side of an opening (as for a door, window, or fireplace) 2 : a projecting columnar part or mass.

Why is it called a pier mirror?

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