How do you shock chlorinate a well?

How do you shock chlorinate a well?

Use ordinary liquid laundry bleach to shock chlorinate the water system. Determine how much bleach to use, then pour the bleach down the well and circulate it through the whole water distribution system. Wait 6-12 hours for the chlorine to work, then flush the chlorinated water from your well and pipes.

Can you use chlorine to shock a well?

Shock chlorination is the process by which home water systems such as wells, springs, and cisterns are disinfected using household liquid bleach (or chlorine). Shock chlorination is the most widely recommended means of treating bacterial contamination in home water systems.

How much does it cost to shock chlorinate a well?

How much does it cost to shock a well? If you hire a company to do it, it can cost anywhere around $100 depending on where you live. Doing it yourself will only cost as much as the chlorine, 10 gallon bucket and the safety supplies to do it.

How long does it take for water to clear after shocking a well?

4 to 8 hours
It will usually take 4 to 8 hours to flush the well after a standard well chlorination. The water may become discolored during flushing because the chlorine may have loosened the hard water deposits in the plumbing. Caution: The chlorine must be completely flushed from plumbing system.

How long should you wait to use water after you chlorinate a well?

Let the chlorinated water stand in the plumbing system for 12 to 24 hours. Do not run any water or flush toilets during this time. Use your reserves of fresh water for all purposes. Step 6 WAIT at least 12 hours before turning faucets back on.

Is it good to shock your well with bleach?

Shock chlorination will be most effective if the chlorine reaches every part of the water system. One gallon of bleach will treat up to an 8-inch diameter well containing 100 feet of water. If your well is much larger, or if your distribution system is unusually large, expect to use more than 1 gallon of bleach.

How much bleach is needed to shock a well?

4) Work out how much bleach will be needed: For every 50 gallons of water in the well use one quart of laundry bleach – (4 quarts in a gallon). Do not use excessive amounts of bleach – more is not more effective.

How do I add chlorine to my well water?

Mix 2 quarts bleach in 10 gallons of water; pour into well. Connect a garden hose to a nearby faucet and wash down the inside of the well. Open each faucet and let the water run until a strong chlorine odor is detected, then turn it off and go to the next one. Don’t forget outdoor faucets and hydrants.

How often should you shock your well water?

Homeowners with private wells should have their well water tested every 3 to 5 years for some contaminants, including bacteria. If these tests turn up positive for bacteria, chlorinating the well may be a way to resolve the problem.

Why does my well water turn brown when I add bleach?

The brown is the iron in the water that has oxidized as a result of the chlorination. Normally, the iron in water is in ion form and does not display itself until it combines with oxygen and forms common rust which turns the water reddish-brown.

How long after bleaching a well can you drink the water?

Step 6 WAIT at least 12 hours before turning faucets back on. Do not drink, cook, bathe, or wash with water from your faucets during this time because it has high amounts of chlorine in it.

How often should you chlorinate your well?

every 3 to 5 years
Homeowners with private wells should have their well water tested every 3 to 5 years for some contaminants, including bacteria. If these tests turn up positive for bacteria, chlorinating the well may be a way to resolve the problem.

How long after shocking well to retest?

Don’t re-test a well too soon. We suggest a minimum of five days, preferably seven to ten days before re-testing a shocked well. If there is a persistent source of bacterial contamination shocking the well won’t fix anything.

How do you shock a well with bleach?

Fill a clean bucket with 3 gallons water to shock a drilled well. Carefully pour 1/2 gallon of household bleach into the water. This will disinfect a well that measures 4 inches in diameter and is 100 feet deep or less. If the well is deeper, increase the amount of bleach according to the proportions of the solution.

How do you bleach water well?

Carefully pour bleach into well. If possible, coat the inner walls of the well with chlorine as you pour it in. If you have a cartridge filter, be sure to have a spare cartridge because the filter may clog quickly. If you have a bedded filter, softener, etc. put filter in bypass mode for now.

What are chlorine pellets used for?

Chlorine pellets are perfect for removing sulfur odors, iron, bacteria, and other contaminants. Disinfect your well with chlorine pellets from Water Softeners & Filters.

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