How many calories do you burn in a 20-minute HIIT?

How many calories do you burn in a 20-minute HIIT?

In the full twenty minutes of this routine, a person could burn between 9-13 calories a minutes. During the actual HIIT part of the workout, a person likely burns more along the lines of 12-16 calories a minute.

How many calories do you burn in a Tabata workout?

Tabata training There is evidence showing that Tabata training can burn as much as 15 calories per minute, or 400 calories in a half hour. This makes Tabata training one of the fastest ways to boost your metabolism and spark your calorie burn.

Is Tabata good for weight loss?

Tabata improves athletic performance and glucose metabolism and acts as an excellent catalyst for fat burning. The excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) effect for Tabata occurs immediately after the workout, so you keep burning calories.

How many calories does 25 minutes of Tabata burn?

According to research from a recent American College of Sports Medicine conference, Tabata (a specific type of HIIT workout) can burn a whopping 13.5 calories a minute (FYI running burns around 10), and double your metabolic rate for 30 minutes afterward.

How many calories do you burn during a Tabata workout?

You increase your oxygen intake during this period, burning calories in the process. In total, the ACE-funded study found that people can burn anywhere between 240 and 360 calories during a 20-minute Tabata workout — but for a more personalized estimate, use a fitness tracker.

How many calories can you burn in 20 minutes?

Burn 360 Calories In 20 Minutes. The intense new workout trend you can do anywhere. Say this three times fast: “Tabata.” Remember that word, because this intense style of workout—named after the researcher who first studied it—is gaining traction across the country.

What are the benefits of doing Tabata exercises?

The exercises that are performed vary widely and include things such as lifting weights, aerobics, and running. The benefits of Tabata are that is burns a super amount of calories, increases your oxygen intake which increases lung and heart functions, it is very short in duration, and also provides all over muscle toning.

Which is the correct format for a Tabata workout?

Trainers today commonly practice the 20-seconds-on/10-seconds-off format with any type of exercise, and still call it a “Tabata” (pronounced tah-BOT-ah).

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