What are the main resources in Afghanistan?

What are the main resources in Afghanistan?

Despite its impoverished status, the country is resource rich, with an abundance of coal, natural gas, copper, lithium, gold, iron ore, bauxite and prized rare-earth mineral reserves.

What are untapped minerals in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan has an estimated 1.4 million tonnes of rare earth minerals including lithium (used in batteries), uranium (used for nuclear fuel) and many others. One of the largest deposits of rare earth minerals can be found at Khanneshin in Helmand province.

What is mined in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan is sitting on a gold mine. The country sits atop what could be one of the world’s largest reserves of various metals and minerals, including not just gold but also platinum, silver, copper, iron, aluminum and uranium.

Where does lithium come from Afghanistan?

Normally produced either via solar evaporation of large brine pools or from hard-rock extraction of the ore spodumene, lithium was first discovered in Afghanistan by the Soviets after their 1979 invasion.

Is Afghanistan a lithium rich country?

From the most sought-after lithium and rare earth material to significant reserves of copper, gold, and gemstones- Afghanistan is estimated to be sitting on mineral reserves worth trillions of dollars. A 2010 US study had revealed that Afghanistan could have among the world’s largest deposits of lithium.

How is the mining of minerals in Afghanistan?

Most mineral extraction in Afghanistan is either illegal or unregulated. In some cases, mines have been operated by local communities for decades under informal arrangements that predate the current regulatory regime. In others, they are controlled or exploited by the Taliban or criminal networks.

Where are the lapis copper mines in Afghanistan?

There are six lapis mines in Afghanistan, the largest being located in Badakhshan province. There are around 12 copper mines in the country, including the Aynak copper deposit located in Logar province. Afghanistan’s significance from an energy standpoint stems from its geographical position as a transit route for oil,…

Who are some famous people that mined in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan’s ruby/spinel mines were mentioned in the Arabic writings of many early travellers, including Istakhri (951 AD), Ibn Haukal (978 AD), al-Ta’Alibi (961–1038 AD), al-Muqaddasi (ca 10th century), al-Biruni (b. 973; d. ca 1050 AD), Teifaschi (1240 AD), and Ibn Battuta (1325–1354 AD).

Where is the largest iron ore deposit in Afghanistan?

Iron ore. The best known and largest iron oxide deposit in Afghanistan is located at Hajigak in Bamyan Province. The deposit itself stretches over 32 km and contains 16 separate zones, up to 5 km in length, 380 m wide and extending 550 m down dip, seven of which have been studied in detail. The ore occurs in both primary and oxidized states.

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