What is Whoqol-BREF questionnaire?

What is Whoqol-BREF questionnaire?

The WHOQOL-BREF is a self-administered questionnaire comprising 26 questions on the individual’s perceptions of their health and well-being over the previous two weeks.

What is BREF in Whoqol-BREF?

We performed a separate analysis for each domain of the WHOQOL-Bref (physical, psychological, social relationships and environment).

Who scored BREF?

As you know there are 26 questions on the WHOQOL-BREF, each scored from 1-5, comprising 4 domains. The domain scores are not averages, they are the sum total score for each question within the domain. Multiplying the mean by 4 is used to transform the WHOQOL-BREF scores into the longer form WHOQOL-100.

Who QOL 100?

WHOQOL – 100| The World Health Organization. WHO defines Quality of Life as an individual’s perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns.

What are the 5 quality of life indicators?

Standard indicators of the quality of life include wealth, employment, the environment, physical and mental health, education, recreation and leisure time, social belonging, religious beliefs, safety, security and freedom.

What is the WHOQOL-Bref quality of life assessment?

The World Health Organization’s WHOQOL-BREF quality of life assessment: psychometric properties and results of the international field trial. A report from the WHOQOL group Qual Life Res. 2004 Mar;13(2):299-310.doi: 10.1023/B:QURE.0000018486.91360.00. Authors

Which is the abbreviated version of whoqol-100?

WHOQOL-Bref is the abbreviated version of WHOQOL-100, which can examine the quality of life of individuals after undergoing interventions. This test has been shown to be successful across many cultures (Chapin et al, 2010) Test items contributed from 15 culturally diverse centers were pooled together (Harper, 1996)

How many items are in the WHOQOL-Bref survey?

The WHOQOL-BREF is a 26-item version of the WHOQOL-100 assessment. Its psychometric properties were analysed using cross-sectional data obtained from a survey of adults carried out in 23 countries (n = 11,830).

What are the objectives of the WHOQOL-Bref field trials?

Using data from the WHOQOL-BREF field trials, the objectives of this work are to examine the performance of the WHOQOL-BREF as an integrated instrument, and to test its main psychometric properties. The WHOQOL-BREF is a 26-item version of the WHOQOL-100 assessment.

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