Can I season my cast iron skillet with bacon grease?

Can I season my cast iron skillet with bacon grease?

To season a cast iron pan, preheat the oven to 300°F. Using a cloth or paper towel, coat the pan with about 1 tablespoon of vegetable shortening, lard, or bacon grease. (Don’t use vegetable oil—it creates a coating that feels sticky.) Place the pan back in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Do I need to clean cast iron after cooking bacon?

Cast iron conducts heat evenly, which makes it ideal for frying bacon and other foods; just be sure to clean it after you’re done. Scrape the cooled bacon grease into the trash can. If you use salt and paper towels to clean your pan, rinse it with cold water and dry it with a paper towel to complete the process.

Does bacon ruin cast iron?

Bacon is thin and doesn’t need too much heat to get a good result. Finally, remember that cast iron retains heat for a long time after the burner is switched off. It’s not enough to remove the pan from the heat and leave the bacon in it even for a minute as it will continue cooking.

What is the best thing to season cast iron with?

The best oil to use to season your cast iron is either flaxseed oil or grapeseed oil. Corn oil, sunflower oil, or olive oil and all great alternatives that will give you just as good results. While a lot of people will continue to rave about bacon fat or lard, there are far better options available today.

What is the best way to season cast iron?

How To Season Your Cast-Iron Skillet:

  1. Scrub skillet well in hot soapy water.
  2. Dry thoroughly.
  3. Spread a thin layer of melted shortening or vegetable oil over the skillet.
  4. Place it upside down on a middle oven rack at 375°. (Place foil on a lower rack to catch drips.)
  5. Bake 1 hour; let cool in the oven.

Is bacon good for cast iron?

The test kitchen staff likes well-seasoned cast-iron for cooking bacon. Not only does it conduct heat evenly (meaning no burnt spots), the bacon grease helps season the pan for future use. It’s a win-win.

What do you do with bacon grease in cast iron?

  1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Moisten a few paper towels with bacon grease. Spread the grease around the inside of the pan in a thin, even layer.
  3. Put the skillet upside down in the oven.
  4. Let the skillet bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
  5. Put the skillet back in the oven and bake it for two hours.

Should you stick bacon to cast-iron?

Aluminum pans are very thin and get ripping hot very quickly, making burnt bacon way too often. The test kitchen staff likes well-seasoned cast-iron for cooking bacon. Not only does it conduct heat evenly (meaning no burnt spots), the bacon grease helps season the pan for future use. It’s a win-win.

Why is my bacon sticking?

The problem with the cold bacon-hot pan method is that all that glorious fat on those strips needs time to warm up and render out. If you toss cold meat into a hot pan, the fat immediately starts to seize up, resulting in bacon that has a gummy texture.

What temperature do I season my cast iron?

Put the oiled pan in a preheated 450°F oven, and leave it there for 30 minutes. It may get a little smoky, so keep your kitchen well ventilated. It’s during this time that the oil will polymerize and form the first of several hard, plastic-like coatings you’ll be laying down.

What’s the right way to season a cast iron skillet?

How to Season a Cast-Iron Skillet in 15 Minutes or Less Prep your house. While we won’t be lighting any fires in the house, we will be generating quite a bit of smoke. Apply oil to skillet with a rag. Get a rag from the garage or under the sink, dab it in your chosen oil and wipe around the cooking Turn stove burner on high, place skillet on burner. Every few minutes, wipe the skillet with oily rag.

How do you season a cast iron skillet?

How To Season Your Cast-Iron Skillet: Scrub skillet well in hot soapy water. Dry thoroughly. Spread a thin layer of melted shortening or vegetable oil over the skillet. Place it upside down on a middle oven rack at 375°. (Place foil on a lower rack to catch drips.) Bake 1 hour; let cool in the oven.

What is the best brand of cast iron skillet?

Lodge cast iron is the best brand of cast iron skillet in terms of mass appeal and popularity. You can’t go wrong with the iconic Lodge cast iron skillet, with nearly 3,000 rave reviews on Amazon touting its versatility (it can be used in the oven, on the stovetop or over a campfire), durability and easy clean-up.

How to re-season a cast iron skillet?

How to Reseason a Cast-Iron Skillet Clean. Scrub the pan well in hot, soapy water. Yes, using a little soap is fine in this case because you are reseasoning the pan. Oil. Rub a thin layer of vegetable oil or melted shortening over the entire pan. Bake. Preheat the oven to 350˚F. Cool. After one hour, turn off the oven and leave the pan in the oven to cool completely.

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