How do you jump 300 feet in Portal?

How do you jump 300 feet in Portal?

The long jump achievement consists of jumping 300 feet. All you need to do is make a portal on a wall and then another on the floor. Jump down through the floor portal. Don’t just walk into the floor portal; jump in.

How long does it take to fall 30000 feet in Portal?

Fall 30,000 feet. How to obtain: Once you have acquired the dual portal gun in Test Chamber 11, you must be in a test chamber where you can place Portals on both the ceiling and the floor. Place a portal above and below you, then jump in and wait for around 5 minutes.

How do you beat advanced chamber 16?

Since the Turrets are sealed in the boxes, you cannot knock the turret down. Instead, place a portal about the turret box, and a portal at the wall, then crouch under the panel. Upon landing, the turrets will fire the bullets at you, so you’ll have to quickly move away or you’ll get killed.

How long does it take to freefall 10000 feet?

approximately 30 seconds
On average, you fall 200 feet per second during a skydive. From 10,000 feet, this means you’ll be in freefall for approximately 30 seconds. From 14,000 feet, you’ll fall for 60 seconds. From 18,000 feet, it’s about 90 seconds.

Can you jump out of a plane at 30000 feet?

– It would be virtually impossible to survive ejection from an airplane at 30,000 feet. – A rapid drop in oxygen and extraordinarily cold conditions would be just two of the deadliest consequences. – People have been sucked through holes in airplanes before, but skilled pilots can often save the day.

How long does it take to fall from 30k feet?

When you’re in free fall from 9,144 meters (30,000 feet) in the air, a soft landing is probably the last thing on your mind. It all happens so fast. From the moment you’re outside of the plane, it’s only about 170 seconds until you hit the ground. During that time you will be extremely cold, and deprived of oxygen.

How long does Terminal Velocity take portal?

So, it should take about 5:20 to 5:25 if you time it accurately (I’m assuming). {addendum: plottingCreeper has tested portal funnel and it appears it works fine in the main game but has no effect in challenge maps (which makes sense).

What happens if you destroy all the cameras in portal?

It has no effect, and as far as I can tell GLaDOS never reacts to you breaking the cameras; there is a related achievement in Chapter 8 where you’re challenged to break monitors, however.

How do you get past level 15 on portal?


  1. Go stand in front of the glass and turn around.
  2. Then look down right in front of you.
  3. Go through the portal.
  4. Go to the second part of the chamber.
  5. When the High Energy Pellet disappears, shoot the other portal on the wall from where the Pellet used to bounce off.

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