What does calling someone a stepping stone mean?

What does calling someone a stepping stone mean?

stepping stone | Intermediate English something that helps someone advance or achieve something: I hope this job will be a stepping stone to something better. A stepping stone is also a stone that you step on to cross a stream or wet area: Flat stepping stones crossed the stream..

Is Stepping Stone a metaphor?

A stepping stone is an action that helps one to make progress towards a goal. This definition, from the COD, includes the metaphorical goal. Although the etymology of goal (according to the OED) is “difficult,” it is indisputably a sporting term, first recorded in 1531. Its literal synonyms are aim or objective.

Is Stepping Stone a good word?

an event or experience that helps you achieve something new: a stepping stone to sth This job is a stepping stone to better things.

How do you use stepping stone in a sentence?

any means of advancement.

  1. Many students now see university as a stepping stone to a good job.
  2. I see this job just as a stepping stone to better things.
  3. The course will be a stepping stone to another career.
  4. It is a stepping stone in my spiritual growth.
  5. a stepping stone to a more lucrative career.

What does the metaphor stepping stone mean?

Is Stepping stone a metaphor?

What is another word for “stepping stone”?

Synonyms for ‘stepping-stone’: turning point, peak, climax, highlight, watershed, milestone, crossroads, breaking point, the moment of truth

What does stepping stone mean?

Definition of stepping-stone 1 : a stone on which to step (as in crossing a stream) 2 : a means of progress or advancement 1 : a stone on which to step (as in crossing a stream) 2 : something that helps in progress or advancement a stepping-stone to success

What is the opposite of stepping stone?

The term stepping stone typically refers to a raised stone used to cross a stream, or something that moves one towards an objective. There are no categorical antonyms for this word. However, one could loosely refer to, e.g., a goal, objective, or destination, as antonyms. ​Noun. Opposite of means. blockage.

What is the plural of stepping stone?

The plural form of stepping-stone is stepping-stones.

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